XMLmind XML Editor
|Convert icons
Convert to PDF iconConvert to RTF (Word 2000+) iconConvert to WordprocessingML (Word 2003+) iconConvert to Office Open XML (.docx, Word 2007+) iconConvert to OpenDocument (.odt, OpenOffice/LibreOffice 2+) icon


available in all the other editorsFeature available in all the other “WYSIWYG” XML editors.
available in most editorsFeature available in most editors.
available in few editorsFeature available in few editors.
not available in any other editorFeature not available in any other editor.
XXE unique featureUnique feature, may be a reason to prefer XMLmind XML Editor.
XXE limitationXMLmind XML Editor limitation, possibly a show stopper.
FeatureXMLmindOther “WYSIWYG
XML editors
Document types
DITA 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 and 1.3.available feature [1]available in all the other editors
DocBook 4, 5 and 5.1available feature [2]available in most editors
XHTML 1.0, 1.1, 5.xavailable feature [3]available in most editors
TEIavailable feature [4]available in few editors
MathML 2.0 Presentation Markupavailable feature [5]available in most editors
Custom schemaavailable feature [6]available in most editors
Can be used without a schemaavailable feature [7]available in most editors
Standards related to XML
DTD (XML 1.0)available featureavailable in all the other editors
W3C XML Schema 1.0available feature [8]available in all the other editors
RELAX NGavailable feature [9]available in few editors
Schematronavailable feature [10]available in few editors
NVDLmissing feature [11]available in few editors
XInclude 1.0 and 1.1available feature [12]available in most editors
XML catalogsavailable featureavailable in all the other editors
The <?xml-model?> processing-instructionavailable featureavailable in few editors
The <?xml-stylesheet?> processing-instructionavailable featureavailable in most editors
CSS 2.1available feature [13]available in all the other editors
XSLT 1.0 and 2.0available feature [14]available in all the other editors
Commonly used image formats (GIF, JPEG, PNG, SVG, TIFF, BMP)available featureavailable in all the other editors
SVG (Scalable Vector Graphics)available featureavailable in most editors
Support for additional image formats (EPS, PDF, etc) may be implemented by image toolkit plug-insavailable feature [15]available in few editors
Advanced Paste from Word.
Advanced Import DOCX.
available feature [16]not available in any other editor
Paste from word processors other than MS-Word, Web browsers and spreadsheets.available feature [17]available in most editors
Convert XML to HTML-based formats (XHTML 1.0, XHTML 1.1, HTML 4.01, XHTML 5, Web Help, HTML Help, Eclipse Help, EPUB 2, EPUB 3)available featureavailable in all the other editors
Convert XML to PDF and PostScript®available feature [18]available in all the other editors
Convert XML to MS-Word and OpenOffice/LibreOffice formatsavailable feature [19]not available in any other editor
Support for additional output formats may be implemented by XSL-FO processor plug-insavailable feature [20]available in few editors
Extensive output customization by the end-user, without modifying configuration files by hand and without prior knowledge of XSLTavailable feature [21]not available in any other editor
Integrates with the DITA Open Toolkitmissing featureavailable in all the other editors
Embeds XMLmind DITA Converteravailable feature [22]not available in any other editor
Embeds XMLmind Ebook Compiler, which can be used to turn a set of HTML pages into a self-contained ebookavailable feature [23]not available in any other editor
XML editor features
Strictly validating, schema-directed editingavailable featureavailable in most editors
Ensures that the document always stays validavailable feature [24]not available in any other editor
Can open a document in read-only mode or parts of the opened document can be made read-onlyavailable featureavailable in few editors
Can open non-well formed XML documentsmissing featureavailable in most editors
Preserves as much as possible the physical contents of an XML file (whitespace, character entities, CDATA sections, etc)missing featureavailable in all the other editors
Allows to create and edit internal, external and unparsed entitiesmissing featureavailable in all the other editors
Styled viewavailable feature [25]available in all the other editors
Tag viewavailable feature [26]available in all the other editors
Tree viewavailable feature [27]available in all the other editors
Grid viewmissing featureavailable in few editors
Source viewavailable feature [28]available in all the other editors
Multiple synchronized views, all fully editableavailable feature [29]not available in any other editor
Resize image by dragging a handleavailable featureavailable in all the other editors
Resize table column by dragging its borderavailable featureavailable in all the other editors
Styled view can embed form controls (button, combobox, text field, etc)available feature [13]available in most editors
Styled view supports XML element foldingavailable feature [13]available in all the other editors
Styled view can display attributes, comments and processing instructionsavailable feature [13]available in most editors
Styled view can render conditional processing attributesavailable feature [30]available in most editors
Easy way to specify conditional processing attributesavailable feature [30]available in most editors
The "Use as Master Document" feature makes it easy and safe working with modular documentavailable feature [31]not available in any other editor
Easy way to create DocBook olinkavailable feature [32]available in few editors
Specialized DITA map editormissing feature [33]available in all the other editors
Native, inline with the document, equation editoravailable feature [34]not available in any other editor
Editor features
Multi-level undo/redoavailable featureavailable in all the other editors
Repeat commandavailable featureavailable in few editors
Text search/replace supporting regular expressionsavailable featureavailable in all the other editors
Search opened document by its XML contentsavailable feature [35]available in most editors
Multi document search/replacemissing featureavailable in most editors
Bookmarksmissing feature [36]available in most editors
Record and replay macro-commandsavailable feature [37]available in few editors
On the fly and on demand, xml:lang aware, spell checkingavailable feature [38]available in all the other editors
Spell checker dictionaries available for many languages, including hard to spell ones (Hungarian, German, Turkish, etc)available feature [39]available in all the other editors
Spell checking can be configured to adapt to your document typeavailable feature [40]available in most editors
CJK (Chinese, Japanese, and Korean) supportavailable feature [41]available in most editors
Right-to-left writing (Arabic, Persian, Hebrew, etc) supportavailable feature [42]available in few editors
Traditional change tracking “à la MS-Word”; Review changesmissing feature [43]available in all the other editors
Store all the revisions of a document in its XML file; open these revisions; compare these revisions with a 100% accuracy, no matter the complexity of changesavailable feature [44]not available in any other editor
Integrated file manager supporting image preview, drag and dropavailable feature [45]available in most editors
Files may be local or remote (FTP, WebDAV)available feature[46]available in most editors
Support for additional remote filesystems may be implemented by virtual drive plug-insavailable feature [47]available in few editors
Search XML files by their contentsavailable feature [48]available in few editors
Integrates with revision control software (CVS, Subversion, Git, etc)missing featureavailable in few editors
Other features
Customizable to a certain extent by the end-useravailable feature [49]available in all the other editors
Highly customizable/extensible by writing XML configuration files (that is, without programming)available feature [50]not available in any other editor
Fully extensible by programming against a public, documented, APIavailable feature [51]available in most editors
Easy to embed, as is or customized, in a third-party Java applicationavailable feature [52]not available in any other editor
Extensions packaged as easy-to-deploy add-onsavailable feature [53]available in few editors
Lightweight; can be made very lightweight by uninstalling add-onsavailable feature [54]not available in any other editor
Multi-platformavailable feature [55]available in most editors
Support of very high resolution (HiDPI) screensavailable feature [56]available in most editors
User interface available in several languagesmissing feature [57]available in most editors
Online help available in several languagesmissing feature [58]available in few editors
Free Personal Editionavailable feature [59]not available in any other editor
Attractively priced “special editions”available feature [60]not available in any other editor
Reasonably priced “floating license”available feature [61]not available in any other editor
Base price includes 1-year maintenanceavailable feature [61]not available in any other editor
Full source code available at no additional costavailable feature [62]not available in any other editor
Royalty-free developer (OEM) licence availableavailable feature [63]not available in any other editor
  1. ^ XMLmind XML Editor - DITA Support.
  2. ^ XMLmind XML Editor - DocBook Support. XMLmind XML Editor - Support of DocBook 5.1 Assemblies.
  3. ^ XMLmind XML Editor - XHTML Support. Includes full support of the following elements: image map (features an advanced image map editor), ruby, form controls, audio, video (rendered by embedding a media player in the styled view) and iframe (rendered by embedding a Web browser in the styled view).

    See also Creating an ebook out of a set of HTML pages.

  4. ^ XMLmind XML Editor - Creating a TEI Lite Document. For now, only TEI Lite Open in a new window document editing is supported. TEI publishing is not implemented. TEI tagsets other than TEI Lite are not supported.
  5. ^ XMLmind XML Editor - Support of MathML 2. Note that MathML 2.0 content markup is not supported at all and that MathML 3.0 is not yet supported.
  6. ^ Learn how to add support for a custom schema by reading the following tutorial: XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and Deployment, Writing a configuration file for XXE.
  7. ^ XMLmind XML Editor can be used to edit documents not conforming to any schema. In such case, XMLmind XML Editor is still very nice to use because it simulates a very loose, dynamically created/dynamically updated, DTD.
  8. ^ Note that W3C XML Schema 1.1 is not yet supported.
  9. ^ XMLmind XML Editor - Support of RELAX NG Schemas.
  10. ^ Which Schematron to use is specified by the means of the schematron configuration element. See XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and Deployment, Configuration elements, schematron.
  11. ^ However XMLmind XML Editor supports a very simple method to dynamically compose schemas, whether DTD, W3C XML Schema or RELAX NG. See XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and Deployment, Configuration elements, validate.
  12. ^ Except when using the source view, XMLmind XML Editor does not allow directly creating xi:include elements (or DITA conref). Instead creating a modular document is easy and safe: simply copy a reference to an element from one place (Ctrl+Shift-C) and paste it elsewhere (Ctrl-V = Paste Into, Ctrl-U = Paste Before or Ctrl-W = Paste After). More info in tutorial: Creating a modular document.
  13. ^ XMLmind XML Editor implements a substantial subset of CSS 2.1 and also a few CSS 3.0 features. It also supports a large number of proprietary extensions to CSS:
    • Fold blocks and tables.
    • Embed in the styled view form controls such as buttons, check boxes, combo boxes, text fields, etc.
    • Embed in the styled view advanced image viewports, which allow to render images on screen in a “WYSIWYG” fashion.
    • Style attributes, comments and processing instructions.

    More information in XMLmind XML Editor - Support of Cascading Style Sheets (W3C CSS).

  14. ^ XMLmind XML Editor integrates both Saxon 6, an XSLT 1 transformation engine and Saxon 9, an XSLT 2 transformation engine.
  15. ^ Define configuration element imageToolkit or implement Java interface com.xmlmind.xmledit.imagetoolkit.ImageToolkit.
  16. ^ Implemented by the "Paste from Word Processor or Browser" add-on. Menu item available for DITA, DocBook and XHTML documents. See for example: XMLmind XML Editor - DITA Support, DITA topic menu, Paste As.

    Moreover, XMLmind XML Editor Professional Edition (and only XML Editor Professional) includes at no additional cost a special edition of commercial product XMLmind Word To XML in the form of an add-on. This add-on adds an "Import DOCX" entry to the File menu.

  17. ^ Menu items available for DITA, DocBook and XHTML documents. See for example: XMLmind XML Editor - DocBook Support, The DocBook menu, Paste As.
  18. ^ XMLmind XML Editor gives you the choice between Apache FOP and RenderX XEP. The XSL-FO processor plug-in for RenderX XEP is freely available from XMLmind, however using it requires you to purchase XEP from RenderX. More information in the RenderX XEP XSL-FO processor plug-in.
  19. ^ XMLmind XML Editor Professional Edition (and only XML Editor Professional) includes at no additional cost a special edition of commercial product XMLmind XSL-FO Converter in the form of an add-on. This add-on adds "Convert to RTF", WML, DOCX, ODT, entries to the "Convert Document" submenus.
  20. ^ Implement Java interface com.xmlmind.foprocessor.FOProcessor.
  21. ^ The combination of menu item "Options|Customize Configuration|Customize Document Conversion Stylesheets" and specialized editor XMLmind XSL Customizer allow to extensively customize the deliverables (HTML, EPUB, PDF, RTF, etc) which are generated by the "Convert Document" menus, without modifying configuration files by hand and without prior knowledge of XSLT.
  22. ^ Production-quality deliverables out of the box. XMLmind DITA Converter (ditac for short) allows to convert the most complex DITA 1.0, 1.1, 1.2 or 1.3 documents to XHTML 1.0, XHTML 1.1, HTML 4.01, XHTML 5, Web Help, HTML Help, Eclipse Help, EPUB 2, EPUB 3, PDF, PostScript®, RTF (can be opened in Word 2000+), WordprocessingML (can be opened in Word 2003+), Office Open XML (.docx, can be opened in Word 2007+), OpenDocument (.odt, can be opened in OpenOffice/LibreOffice 2+).
  23. ^ See Creating an ebook out of a set of HTML pages.
  24. ^ If a document is initially structurally valid (that is, no invalid elements or attributes), then unless you use its source view to modify it, there is no way to make it structurally invalid. For example, while other XML editors will happily let you insert an empty, invalid, DocBook section, XMLmind XML Editor automatically creates a valid section containing a title and a para.
  25. ^ Views are styled using CSS stylesheets.
  26. ^ There is no “Tag View” per se. Instead, the "Show tags" menu item adds a graphical rendition of the element tags to the styled view and this, no matter how complex is the underlying CSS stylesheet.
  27. ^ The “Tree View”, which is fully editable, is automatically displayed when no CSS stylesheet is used to style the opened document.
  28. ^ While all the tree and styled views of a document are “synchronized in real-time” (that is, reflect the same document content in real-time), this is not the case of the source view. For performance reasons, you'll have to save the document to disk (or at least check the document for validity) to synchronize a source view with the other views.
  29. ^ XMLmind XML Editor allows to displays side by side several views of the same document, for example, a tree view, the normal styled view and a “Table of Contents View” (a simple CSS stylesheet showing just the headings of the document). More information in XMLmind XML Editor - Online Help, View menu, Add.
  30. ^ See XMLmind XML Editor - Easy Profiling.
  31. ^ See menu item "Tools|Use as Master Document".
  32. ^ In the case of XMLmind XML Editor, a specialized map editor is definitely not needed. For the most common DITA map editing actions, XMLmind XML Editor's styled view is as convenient to use as a specialized map editor. For example, it's possible to populate a map using drag and drop only.
  33. ^ Tutorial: Adding MathML equations.
  34. ^ XMLmind XML Editor - Online Help, Search menu, Find Element.
  35. ^ However, XMLmind XML Editor supports a single, automatic, bookmark. See XMLmind XML Editor - Online Help, Navigation submenu.
  36. ^ Tutorial: Automating repetitive tasks by recording macros.
  37. ^ XMLmind XML Editor - Online Help, Spell checker.
  38. ^ XMLmind XML Editor supports two spell checker engines: Hunspell and XMLmind Spell Checker. XMLmind Spell Checker is installed by default.

    Hunspell is the spell checker used by a number of major open source and proprietary software. Use it for hard to spell languages such as Hungarian, German, Turkish, etc.

    XMLmind Spell Checker has many technical advantages over Hunspell but also has few dictionaries compared to Hunspell: English, German, French, Spanish and also a number of dictionaries contributed by users. If you need to modify these dictionaries or if you want to create new dictionaries, you can do it using the Dictionary Builder tool.

  39. ^ XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and Deployment, Configuration elements, spellCheckOptions.
  40. ^ Requires turning on options "Use integrated input method support" and "Wrap words wider than available space".
  41. ^ Download and install the corresponding add-on Requires downloading and installing the "Bidi Support" add-on using menu item Options|Install Add-ons. More information in "XMLmind XML Editor - Bidirectional Script Support". Corresponding screencast on YouTube:
  42. ^ However it's possible to review the changes made to a document by the reviewers. See tutorial: Reviewing changes using the Compare tool.
  43. ^ XMLmind XML Editor - Online Help, The "Revisions" menu. See also tutorial: Reviewing changes using the Compare tool.
  44. ^ XMLmind XML Editor - Online Help, The "Browse Files" tool.
  45. ^ Download and install the corresponding add-on You may need to download and install the corresponding add-on using menu item Options|Install Add-ons.
  46. ^ Implement Java interface com.xmlmind.xmleditapp.vdrive.DriveFactory.
  47. ^ XMLmind XML Editor - Online Help, The "Search Files" tool.
  48. ^ An end-user can customize an existing configuration to a certain extent, without having to manually edit configuration files or to understand how configurations work. This is done by the means of the Options|Customize Configuration menu.
  49. ^ XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and Deployment. XMLmind XML Editor - Commands. XMLmind XML Editor - Customizing the User Interface.
  50. ^ XMLmind XML Editor - Developer's Guide. XMLmind XML Editor Java™ API.
  51. ^ XMLmind XML Editor - Developer's Guide, Embedding an advanced XML editor based on XXE in your Java™ application.
  52. ^ Add-ons developed by XMLmind. Add-ons contributed by users.
  53. ^ For example, if you are authoring only DITA documents, without any SVG graphics or equations, then it's strongly recommended to uninstall the following add-ons: "DocBook configuration", "DocBook v5+ configuration", "DocBook v5.1+ configuration", "XHTML configuration", "Ebook configuration", "Apache Batik image toolkit plug-in", "MathML support", "JEuclid image toolkit plug-in". This is a snap to do using menu item menu item Options|Install Add-ons and this should substantially reduce XMLmind XML Editor startup time and memory footprint.
  54. ^ XXE should run fine on any platform supporting Java™ 8+. However it is officially supported only on:
    • Windows 7/8/10/11, 32-bit or 64-bit, running Java 8+ with the Windows Look and Feel (LAF) or any FlatLaf LAF.
    • macOS latest version and the version before latest one using Java 8+ with the Macintosh LAF or any FlatLaf LAF. Both Intel and ARM (AKA M1 AKA Apple Silicon) processors are supported.
    • Linux 2.6+ running Java 8+ with any FlatLaf LAF (FlatLight being the default LAF) or Metal LAF.

    It is possible to use XXE on other platforms and/or with other LAFs, but without support from XMLmind Software.

  55. ^ XXE should work fine on Macs having Retina® screens and on Personal Computers having UHD (“4K”) screens. On Windows, all DPI scale factors —100%, 125%, 150%, 200%, etc— are supported. However for this to work, please make sure to install latest Oracle® Java™ runtime and to use the system, default, Look and Feel.

    Note that on a Linux computer having a HiDPI screen, HiDPI is often not automatically detected. You'll have to use the "Display scaling" controls found in the General section of the Preferences dialog box.

  56. ^ The user interface is guaranteed to be available in English and French. Translations to other languages are contributed by XXE users, therefore XMLmind cannot guarantee that these translations are always up to date. Note that all the translations have been created using the "Translate XMLmind XML Editor" add-on.

    Download and install the corresponding add-on Changing the language of the user interface to any language other than English requires you to download and install the corresponding translation add-on using menu item Options|Install Add-ons.

  57. ^ The online help is available only in English.
  58. ^ A Personal License is available for XMLmind XML Editor. This makes our XML editor free to use for many persons and organisations. More information in "Which license to choose?".
  59. ^ XMLmind DITA Editor and XMLmind DocBook Editor are attractively priced, “special editions” of XMLmind XML Editor. Because they focus on a single class of documents and also because they have less import and export facilities, these specialized editors are slightly faster and slightly simpler to use than XMLmind XML Editor. More information in "Which editor to choose?".
  60. ^ Price List.
  61. ^ Which license to choose?
  62. ^ More information about the Developer License.

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