XMLmind XML Editor - Support of Cascading Style Sheets (W3C CSS)

Hussein Shafie

XMLmind Software

35 rue Louis Leblanc,
78120 Rambouillet,
Phone: +33 (0)9 52 80 80 37,
Web: www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor
Email:  (public mailing list)

September 3, 2024


This document describes the subset of CSS2 supported by XXE, as well as advanced “proprietary extensions” needed to style complex XML documents.

Table of Contents
I. Guide
1. Introduction
2. List of supported CSS properties
3. Extensions related to generated content
1. Replaced content
2. Generated content
4. Other extensions
1. Built-in CSS rules
2. CSS3 selectors
3. Styling an element which contains a specific processing instruction
4. Styling an element which contains a specific child element
5. Specifying namespaces
6. Inserting in generated content the name of the element which is the target of the CSS rule
7. Dynamic evaluation of property values
7.1. Simple dynamic evaluation of property values
7.2. Using custom code to extend the CSS style sheet
7.2.1. Invoking a static extension method
8. New values for the display property
9. Rendering repeating elements as a table
9.1. Anonymous rows
10. Making a table look like a spreadsheet
11. Collapsible blocks and tables
12. Styling comments and processing instructions
13. Styling element attributes
14. :property() extension pseudo class
15. url() is XML catalog aware
16. Weak @import
17. Translating messages in the content generated by a CSS style sheet
18. Modularizing a complex CSS style sheet using @property-group and @property-value
18.1. @property-group
18.2. @property-value
19. marker-offset: fill
20. If needed, selectors can use default attribute values
21. Simple, fast, purely declarative counters
22. Specifying the type of counter created by list-style-type
23. When showing tags, hide tags for some elements
24. Specifying the tooltip to be displayed for a given element.
25. Adding a decoded URI as generated content
II. Reference
5. Content objects
1. add-attribute-button
2. attributes
3. check-box
4. collapser
5. color-chooser
6. combo-box
7. command-button
8. command-menu
9. component
10. convert-button
11. date-field
12. date-time-picker
13. date-picker
14. delete-button
15. drag-source
16. drop-site
17. element-label, element-name, element-local-name, element-namespace-uri
18. file-name-field
19. gadget
20. gauge
21. icon
22. insert-after-button
23. insert-before-button
24. insert-button
25. insert-same-after-button
26. insert-same-before-button
27. image
28. image-viewport
29. label
30. list
31. Media player
32. number-field
33. password-field
34. property
35. radio-buttons
36. remove-attribute-button
37. replace-button
38. set-attribute-button
39. spinner
40. text
41. text-area
42. text-field
43. time-picker
44. value-editor
45. wrap-button
46. xpath
6. Content layouts
1. division
2. paragraph
3. rows
7. Display values supported for generated content
1. display: inline
2. display: block
3. display: list-item
4. display: table
5. display: table-row-group
6. display: table-row
7. display: table-cell
List of Figures
4.1. A DocBook table in which colspec elements have display: tree
List of Tables
4.1. Properties used to parametrize the collapsibility of a block or table
4.2. Properties used to specify generated content for attributes