12. date-time-picker

date-time-picker(key, value, ..., key, value)

Inserts in generated content a text field control and a button which displays a dialog box allowing to select a date/time. This control can be used to edit the value of the element which is the target of the CSS rule. If "attribute, attribute_name" is specified, this control can be used to edit the value of an attribute of this target element.

Unlike what happens with a date-field, the same date format is used to display the value on screen and to store it in the XML document. This allows to use a date-time-picker for data types other than those deriving from xs:dateTime.


<xs:element name="dateTime31" type="DateTime31" />
<xs:complexType name="DateTime31">
  <xs:attribute name="value" type="DateTime41" default="1315 03/16/1960" />

<xs:simpleType name="DateTime41">
  <xs:restriction base="xs:token">
    <xs:pattern value="\d\d\d\d \d\d/\d\d/\d\d\d\d" />

may be edited using:

dateTime31 {
    content: date-time-picker(attribute, value,
                              format, pattern,
                              pattern, "HHmm MM/dd/yyyy",
                              language, en, 
                              country, "US");
attributeQualified name of attribute to be editedNo defaultWithout this parameter, the control is used to edit the value of the element for which the control has been generated.
columnsPositive integerDepends on format and on pattern.Width of the text field in characters.
formatstandard | standard-omit-time-zone | pattern | seconds-since-epoch | millis-since-epochstandard-omit-time-zone

Specifies the format of the date/time value.


Standard format of a xs:dateTime (W3C XML Schema standard data type), with the time zone part.

Example: 2001-09-11T11:30:00Z.


Standard format of a xs:dateTime (W3C XML Schema standard data type), without the time zone part.

Example: 2007-10-18T09:16:26.


The format of the date/time value is the one specified by the pattern option (see below).

Example: 1415 03/16/1960 (for pattern="HHmm MM/dd/yyyy")


Number of seconds since January 1, 1970 GMT. A real number (double).

Example: 1.192699294E9.


Number of milliseconds since January 1, 1970 GMT. An integer (long).

Example: 1192699313795.

patternPattern supported by java.text.SimpleDateFormatA default, short, pattern depending on the locale being used.

Specifies the format of the date.

Ignored unless format=pattern.

languageLower-case, two-letter codes as defined by ISO-639. Example: "es".Language of default locale.

Participates in specifying the locale to use.

countryUpper-case, two-letter codes as defined by ISO-3166. Example: "ES".Country of default locale.

Participates in specifying the locale to use.

variantVendor or browser-specific code. Example: "Traditional_WIN".Variant of default locale.

Participates in specifying the locale to use.

Key, value, ..., key, value may also specify style parameters.


dateTime30 {
    content: date-time-picker(attribute, value,
                              format, standard,
                              columns, 25);

dateTime41 {
    content: date-time-picker(format, pattern,
                              pattern, "HHmm MM/dd/yyyy",
                              language, en, 
                              country, "US");

dateTime43 {
    content: date-time-picker(format, millis-since-epoch);