8. New values for the display property

display: tree

May be used to mix styled views and tree views. This is particularly useful for meta-information (such as DocBook's bookinfo, sectioninfo, indexterm, etc) for which a sensible style is hard to come up with.

Figure 4.1. A DocBook table in which colspec elements have display: tree
A DocBook table in which colspec elements have display: tree
display: view(class_name)

Class_name is the fully qualified name of a Java™ class implementing com.xmlmind.xmledit.styledview.StyledElementViewFactory. A StyledElementViewFactory is used to create custom styled views for some elements. Such factory classes are used to implement the styled view of the XHTML ruby element and the styled views of most MathML elements. More information in Section 7, “StyledElementViewFactory in XMLmind XML Editor - Developer's Guide.