XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and Deployment

Hussein Shafie

XMLmind Software

35 rue Louis Leblanc,
78120 Rambouillet,
Phone: +33 (0)9 52 80 80 37,
Web: www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor
Email:  (public mailing list)

September 3, 2024


This document describes how to customize and deploy XXE.

Table of Contents
I. Configuration guide
1. Introduction
2. Writing a configuration file for XXE
1. What is a configuration?
2. A configuration for the "Simple Section" document type.
3. Before writing your first configuration
4. Anatomy of a configuration file
5. Specifying which configuration to use for a given document type
6. Associating a schema to the opened document
7. XML catalogs
8. Document templates
9. CSS stylesheets
9.1. Styling images
9.2. Styling tables
10. A specific tool bar
10.1. Text style toggles
11. Element templates
12. A specific menu
12.1. About the table editing command
13. Specific keyboard shortcuts
13.1. About macro commands
14. Interactively resizing an image
15. Miscellaneous configuration elements
16. Converting an XML document to other formats
16.1. About process commands
17. Packaging your configuration for XXE add-on manager
3. Using HTML4 tables or CALS tables in your own custom schema
1. HTML4 tables
1.1. HTML4 table editor command
2. CALS tables
2.1. CALS table editor command
4. Customizing mouse and key bindings used by XXE
1. Bindings specific to a document type
2. Generic bindings
5. Customizing an existing configuration
1. Adding a custom document template
2. Replacing an existing document template
3. Removing an existing document template
4. Adding a custom CSS style sheet
5. Replacing an existing CSS style sheet
6. Removing an existing CSS style sheet
7. Adding buttons to the tool bar
8. Adding items to the menu
9. Parametrizing the XSLT style sheets used in the Convert Document submenu
10. Customizing the XSLT style sheets used in the Convert Document submenu
11. Using a custom CSS style sheet to style the HTML files generated by the Convert Document submenu
II. Configuration reference
6. Configuration elements
1. attributeEditor
2. attributeVisibility
3. binding
4. command
4.1. About command names
5. configuration
6. css
7. DTD
8. detect
9. directionalityFinder
9.1. HTMLDirectionalityFinder, a configurable implementation of DirectionalityFinder
10. documentResources
11. documentSetFactory
11.1. Bean properties
12. elementTemplate
12.1. Adding empty text nodes to your element templates
12.2. Specificities of selectable="override"
13. elementVisibility
14. help
15. imageToolkit
16. include
17. inclusionScheme
18. linkType
18.1. Using linkType to implement link navigation
18.2. Using linkType to implement link validation
18.3. Using linkType to define custom, specialized, attribute editors
19. menu
19.1. Customizing a menu or a toolBar without redefining it from scratch
19.2. Multiple menus
20. newElementContent
21. nodePathAttributes
22. property
23. parameterGroup
24. preserveSpace
25. relaxng
26. saveOptions
27. schema
28. schematron
28.1. Relationship between schematron and validateHook
29. spellCheckOptions
30. template
31. toolBar
31.1. Custom controls
31.1.1. The TextStyleMenu custom control
31.1.2. The TextStyleToggle custom control
31.1.3. The ListTypeMenu custom control
31.2. Multiple tool bars
31.3. Adding configuration specific tool bar buttons to the XXE GUI
31.3.1. How does it work?
31.3.2. Why specify div and span elements in a toolBar configuration element?
32. translation
33. validate
34. validateHook
35. viewSettings
36. Custom configuration elements
A. A simple preprocessor for .xxe configuration files and .xxe_gui GUI specification files
III. Deploying XXE
7. The XXE desktop application
1. Dynamic discovery of add-ons
1.1. Additional or alternative addon/ directories
List of Figures
2.1. The "Simple Section" tool bar
2.2. The "Simple Section" menu
2.3. Resize handles around an image
6.1. Ribbon of the XXE desktop application when no document is being edited
6.2. Ribbon of the XXE desktop application when a DITA map is being edited
List of Tables
6.1. Properties of the XInclude scheme
6.2. TextStyleMenu properties
6.3. TextStyleToggle properties
List of Examples
6.1. DocBook 4 example
6.2. Dynamic element template
6.3. Simplest TextStyleMenu custom control
6.4. Customizable TextStyleMenu custom control
6.5. Simplest TextStyleToggle custom control
6.6. “Active” TextStyleToggle custom control
6.7. “Active” TextStyleToggle custom control showing a label in addition to an icon
6.8. Simplest ListTypeMenu; may be used in the DITA Topic configuration
6.9. DocBook 5 ListTypeMenu
6.10. XHTML 1.0 Strict ListTypeMenu; most complex specification because the type of the list must be specified using a CSS style