9. directionalityFinder

  Content: [ class [ property ]* ]?

  Content: Java class name

  name = NMTOKEN matching [_a-zA-Z][_a-zA-Z0-9]*
  type = (boolean|byte|char|short|int|long|float|double|
  value = string

Register directionalityFinder specified by class with XXE. A directionalityFinder is some code used by the "Bidi Support" add-on to determine the directionality —left-to-right or right-to-left— of any XML element.

Child elements of directionalityFinder:


Register directionalityFinder implemented in the Java™ language by class class (which itself implements interface com.xmlmind.xmledit.edit.DirectionalityFinder).


Property child elements may be used to parametrize a newly created directionalityFinder. See bean properties.

A directionalityFinder element having no class child element may be used to discard registered directionalityFinder.

XHTML configuration: the directionality of an XML element is determined by following a complex set of rules involving the dir attribute and the bdi and bdo specialized elements. These rules are specified in the HTML specification.


DITA and DocBook configurations: the directionality of an XML element is determined by examining the value of its (possibly inherited) dir attribute.

  <property name="options" type="String" value="dir ltr rtl lro rlo" />

TEI Lite configuration: the only way to determine the directionality of an XML element is determined by examining the value of its (possibly inherited) xml:lang attribute. For example, attribute xml:lang="ar-EG" —Arabic, Egypt— implies that the directionality of an element is right-to-left.

  <property name="options" type="String" value="xml:lang" />