|Convert icons
Convert to PDF iconConvert to RTF (Word 2000+) iconConvert to WordprocessingML (Word 2003+) iconConvert to Office Open XML (.docx, Word 2007+) iconConvert to OpenDocument (.odt, OpenOffice/LibreOffice 2+) icon


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e-mail address of xfcsupportXMLmind XSL-FO Converter public mailing list: end-user questions, bug reports, feature requests.
e-mail address of xfcinfoPrivate inquiries.
e-mail address of xmleditorsupportXMLmind XML Editor public mailing list: end-user questions, bug reports, feature requests.
e-mail address of xmleditorinfoPrivate inquiries.
e-mail address of w2xsupportXMLmind Word To XML public mailing list: end-user questions, bug reports, feature requests.
e-mail address of w2xinfoPrivate inquiries.
Open Source Software
e-mail address of ditacsupportXMLmind DITA Converter public mailing list: end-user questions, bug reports, feature requests.
e-mail address of ebookcsupportXMLmind Ebook Compiler public mailing list: end-user questions, bug reports, feature requests.


XMLmind Software
35, rue Louis Leblanc
78120 Rambouillet
e-mail address of sales
Phone: +33 (0)9 52 80 80 37
Fax: +33 (0)9 57 80 80 37

VAT identification number: FR53829616796
SIRET: 82961679600019

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