XMLmind XML Editor
|Convert icons
Convert to PDF iconConvert to RTF (Word 2000+) iconConvert to WordprocessingML (Word 2003+) iconConvert to Office Open XML (.docx, Word 2007+) iconConvert to OpenDocument (.odt, OpenOffice/LibreOffice 2+) icon

Add-on Documentation

item Translations of XXE 
item Spell checker dictionaries for XXE
item Configurations for XXE
item XSL-FO processor plug-ins
item Image toolkit plug-ins
item Virtual drive plug-ins
item Spell checker plug-ins
item Document format plug-ins
item Other add-ons

Translations of XXE  Back to TOC

French (français) translation

XXE Version:10.8.0+

Spell checker dictionaries for XXE  Back to TOC

German (Deutsch) dictionary - traditional spelling


Dictionary of the German language (Deutsch; traditional spelling) for use by XMLmind Spell Checker.

German (Deutsch) dictionary


Dictionary of the German (Deutsch) language for use by XMLmind Spell Checker.

English dictionary


Dictionary of the English language, with Canada, Great Britain and USA variants, for use by XMLmind Spell Checker.

This English dictionary is included in all the distributions of XMLmind XML Editor.

How to add more dictionaries?

  1. Select menu item "Options|Install Add-ons".
    This displays the "Install Add-ons" dialog box.
  2. Select one or more add-ons in the Dictionary category by clicking the corresponding checkboxes.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Restart XMLmind XML Editor.

Spanish (español) dictionary


Dictionary of the Spanish (español) language for use by XMLmind Spell Checker.

French (français) dictionary


Dictionary of the French (français) language, with Belgium, Canada and Switzerland variants, for use by XMLmind Spell Checker.

Spell checker dictionaries for XXE  Back to TOC

German (Deutsch) dictionary - traditional spelling


Dictionary of the German language (Deutsch; traditional spelling) for use by XMLmind Spell Checker.

German (Deutsch) dictionary


Dictionary of the German (Deutsch) language for use by XMLmind Spell Checker.

English dictionary


Dictionary of the English language, with Canada, Great Britain and USA variants, for use by XMLmind Spell Checker.

This English dictionary is included in all the distributions of XMLmind XML Editor.

How to add more dictionaries?

  1. Select menu item "Options|Install Add-ons".
    This displays the "Install Add-ons" dialog box.
  2. Select one or more add-ons in the Dictionary category by clicking the corresponding checkboxes.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Restart XMLmind XML Editor.

Spanish (español) dictionary


Dictionary of the Spanish (español) language for use by XMLmind Spell Checker.

French (français) dictionary


Dictionary of the French (français) language, with Belgium, Canada and Switzerland variants, for use by XMLmind Spell Checker.

Configurations for XXE  Back to TOC

DITA configuration

XXE Version:10.8.0

Create, modify and publish DITA 1.x documents using XMLmind XML Editor.

As of version 8.2, a DITA document may comprise Lightweight DITA (AKA LwDITA) topics and maps, whether XDITA (DITA XML syntax), HDITA (HTML5 syntax) or MDITA (Markdown syntax).

DocBook 4 configuration

XXE Version:10.8.0

Create, modify and publish DocBook 4.x documents using XMLmind XML Editor.

DocBook 5.0 configuration

XXE Version:10.8.0

Create, modify and publish DocBook 5.0 documents using XMLmind XML Editor.

DocBook 5.1+ configuration

XXE Version:10.8.0

Create, modify and publish DocBook 5.1+ documents, including assemblies and topics, using XMLmind XML Editor.

Going further with DocBook assemblies and topics

Ebook configuration

XXE Version:10.8.0

May be used to create not only books, but also advanced technical documentation, in XHTML5. Supported book formats are: EPUB, Web Help, PDF, RTF, WML, DOCX (MS-Word) and ODT (OpenOffice/LibreOffice).

This add-on adds an XHTML|Ebook section to the File|New dialog box:

  • The "Ebook" entries of this section may be used to create ebook specifications. More information about ebook specifications in this primer.

    A sample ebook specification is found in XXE_install_dir/demo/ebook/ebook-sample.ebook.

  • The "Page" entry of this section allows the creation of a source XHTML5 page for use in an ebook specification.

    This source XHTML5 page is simply an XHTML5 page in which the root html element has attribute class="role-ebook-page". This attribute is detected by XMLmind XML Editor and when this is the case, an extended menu and tool bar featuring specialized tools (e.g. footnote support) replace the stock XHTML5 menu and tool bar.

    In addition to HTML, an ebook page may also be written in Markdown. More information in Markdown support.

This add-on leverages a free, open source software component called XMLmind Ebook Compiler.

Lightweight DITA configuration

XXE Version:10.0+

Create, modify and publish XDITA documents using XMLmind XML Editor. XDITA is the authoring format of Lightweight DITA (AKA LwDITA) that uses XML to structure information.

A sample XDITA document containing audio and video elements is found in XXE_install_dir/demo/lwdita/sample.ditamap.

MathML support

XXE Version:10.8.0

Allows to use XMLmind XML Editor to create and edit MathML 2 (presentation markup only) equations in a WYSIWYG way. Adds native MathML support to the DocBook 5, DITA Topic and XHTML 5 configurations.

This add-on contains:

  1. A configuration which allows to create standalone documents conforming to the MathML 2 schema (presentation markup only, content markup is not supported).

    Such standalone documents are typically used the way graphics files are. DITA example: <image href="math/Equation5.mml"/>.

    Note that this configuration adds not only a MathML menu to the GUI, but also a MathML tool just below the Edit tool, at the top/right of the main window.

    Some sample standalone documents are: XXE_install_dir/demo/mathml/sample.mml, mathml_addon_install_dir/standalone/sample/sample_dtd.mml (which uses a MathML DTD).

  2. MathML support for the DocBook 5 configuration. This feature allows to edit MathML elements embedded in DocBook 5 documents (by the means of elements such as imagedata, equation, inlineequation, etc).

    This feature also adds "Insert MathML Character By Name" and "Parse Text As MathML" items to the DocBook menu and extends the table editing commands in order to support the mml:mtable element and its descendants.

    A sample DocBook 5 document containing math is found in XXE_install_dir/demo/docbook5/docbook5-mathml.xml.

  3. MathML support for the DITA Topic configuration.

    This feature offers the same functions as described above for the DocBook 5 configuration.

    A sample topic containing math is found in XXE_install_dir/demo/dita/dita-mathml.dita.

  4. MathML support for the XHTML 5 configuration.

    This feature offers the same functions as described above for the DocBook 5 configuration.

    A sample XHTML 5 page containing math is found in XXE_install_dir/demo/xhtml/xhtml5-mathml.xhtml.

  5. An image toolkit similar to the one based on JEuclid.

    Note that installing this add-on also requires installing the add-on called "JEuclid image toolkit plug-in". That gives us two image toolkits which allow to convert MathML to a variety of graphics formats:

    • The “internal” image toolkit is needed to render the contents of the MathML tool. (Yes, just the contents of the MathML tool.)
    • The JEuclid image toolkit is used when XML documents embedding MathML or referencing MathML files are converted to formats such as HTML, PDF, RTF, etc.

After installing this add-on, its full documentation is available using the online help system of XMLmind XML Editor (that is, using menu item Help|Help). It is also available on the XMLmind XML Editor web site in HTML and PDF formats.

TEI Lite configuration

XXE Version:10.8.0

Allows to use XMLmind XML Editor to create and edit TEI Lite documents.


Only the TEI Lite tagset is supported. Full TEI P5 is not supported. Any customization of the TEI tagset other than TEI Lite is not supported.

In terms of document editing, TEI Lite support in XMLmind XML Editor is as extensive as DITA, DocBook or XHTML support. However converting a TEI document to other formats (HTML, PDF, EPUB, DOCX, etc) is currently not supported.

If there is sufficient interest for this work (or if we find a sponsor willing to partially fund this development), we may implement full TEI P5 support and/or TEI document conversion facilities in the future.

A sample TEI Lite document created using XMLmind XML Editor is found in XXE_install_dir/demo/tei_lite/tei_lite-sample.xml.

By reading user guide "XMLmind XML Editor - Creating a TEI Lite Document", you'll learn to use XXE to create and modify TEI Lite documents. This user guide assumes that you know TEI and XML, but that you don't not know anything about XXE.

Translate XMLmind XML Editor

XXE Version:10.8.0

Configuration allowing to use XMLmind XML Editor in order to translate its own messages (menu labels, button labels, error messages, etc).

This configuration, featuring a handy tool bar, allows to directly create or update a .zip file containing a packaged translation add-on. More information in "Translating the messages of XMLmind XML Editor" (PDF).

XHTML configuration

XXE Version:10.8.0

Create, modify and publish XHTML 1.0, 1.1 and 5.x documents using XMLmind XML Editor.

XMLmind XML Editor Configuration Pack

XXE Version:10.7.0+

This add-ons contains 3 configurations — Configuration, GUI, Add-on — for XMLmind XML Editor. These configurations are useful only if you are a consultant or power user wanting to customize XMLmind XML Editor.

The 4 configurations contained in this add-on are:

XMLmind XML Editor Configuration

This configuration is needed to create .xxe files. A .xxe file is an XML file containing a configuration (e.g. DocBook support, DITA Topic support, etc) for XMLmind XML Editor.

More information in XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and Deployment.

XMLmind XML Editor GUI

This configuration is needed to create .xxe_gui files. A .xxe_gui file is an XML file containing the description of a GUI for XMLmind XML Editor. Such description consists in an assembly of predefined or custom GUI parts.

More information in XMLmind XML Editor - Customizing the User Interface.

XMLmind XML Editor Add-on

This configuration is needed to create .xxe_addon files. A .xxe_addon file is an XML file containing the description of an add-on for XMLmind XML Editor. Example: xxe_config_pack_addon_install_dir/xxe_config_pack.xxe_addon (the description of this add-on).

More information in How to package an add-on as a .zip archive.

XSL-FO processor plug-ins  Back to TOC

Apache FOP 1.x XSL-FO processor plug-in

XXE Version:10.8.0

Allows to convert XML documents to PDF and PostScript. Includes Apache FOP 2.7.

Installing both this plug-in and the RenderX XEP XSL-FO processor plug-in

Apache FOP and RenderX XEP do the same job: render XSL-FO as PDF or PostScript. When both plug-ins are installed, by default, XEP supersedes FOP, but this can be changed using the "Add-on|XEP" preferences sheet found in the "Options|Preferences" dialog.

processFO parameters

Most options documented in Apache FOP: Configuration may be passed as a parameter to the processFO child element of a process command. More information in XMLmind XML Editor - Commands.

<processFO processor="FOP" file="" to="__doc.pdf">
  <parameter name="source-resolution">96</parameter>

The following pseudo parameters are also supported:

rendererpdf | ps | pcl | svg | xml | mif | txt

Specifies which renderer to use.

If this pseudo-parameter is absent, which renderer to use is guessed from the extension of the output file name.

Configuration file

A configuration file, as documented in the Apache FOP: Configuration, may be used to parametrize FOP. The location of this configuration file may be specified in system property XXE_FOP_CONFIG. The value of XXE_FOP_CONFIG is expected to be the URL or the absolute filename of an existing file. The default location of this configuration file is XXE_user_preferences_directory/fop/fop.conf.

Note that the parameters of the processFO child element of a process command have priority over the options specified in the configuration file.

Modifications made by XMLmind Software

Note that Apache FOP 2.x has been modified by XMLmind Software in order to make it run with Saxon 6.5 (integration problem when SVG instream-foreign-objects are found in the XSL-FO source) and also to fix minor bugs. More information in fop_addon_install_dir/CHANGES_MADE_BY_XMLMIND.txt.

RenderX XEP XSL-FO processor plug-in

XXE Version:10.8.0

Allows to convert XML documents to PDF and PostScript. Requires having RenderX XEP 4.0+.

This plug-in is not self-contained

Unlike all other plug-ins, the RenderX XEP plug-in downloaded from XMLmind is not self-contained.

You need to have access to a working RenderX XEP 4.0+ installation in order to finish the installation of the plug-in.

If you don't have a working RenderX XEP installation, you need to purchase this product from the RenderX web site and install it on your computer.

The very first time you'll attempt to use this plug-in (that is, by converting an XML document to PDF or to PostScriptTM), the plug-in will display a simple dialog box asking you where you have installed the RenderX XEP product and, after that, it will ask you to restart XXE.


During the above post-installation step, the plug-in copies all the files needed to its good functioning from the RenderX XEP installation directory to a newly created addon/xep_foprocessor/xep/ subdirectory.

After that, you no longer need to have access to the RenderX XEP installation directory in order to be able to convert XML documents to PDF or to PostScriptTM using the menus of XXE.

You can even build your own self-contained XEP plug-in distribution by zipping the content of directory addon/xep_foprocessor/.

Compatibility between XEP and XXE

Requires XEP 4.0+.

Any edition of RenderX XEP should be compatible with the plug-in: Personal, Trial, Client Stamped, Client, etc.

Installing both this plug-in and the Apache FOP XSL-FO processor plug-in

Apache FOP and RenderX XEP do the same job: render XSL-FO as PDF or PostScript. When both plug-ins are installed, by default, XEP supersedes FOP, but this can be changed using the "Add-on|XEP" preferences sheet found in the "Options|Preferences" dialog.

processFO parameters

Any of the options documented in the XEP User Guide may be passed as a parameter to the processFO child element of a process command. More information in XMLmind XML Editor - Commands.

<processFO processor="XEP" file="" to="">
  <!-- Workaround XEP bug: renderx #22766 -->
  <parameter name="VALIDATE">false</parameter>

  <parameter name="PS.LANGUAGE_LEVEL">2</parameter>

A parameter which starts with "OUTPUT_FORMAT." applies only to the specified output format. In the above example, parameter VALIDATE=false applies to all output formats and parameter PS.LANGUAGE_LEVEL=2 is ignored unless XEP is used to generate PostScript.

The following pseudo parameters are also supported:



pdf | ps | xps | afp | svg | html | ppml | xep

(Support of the AFP, Microsoft XPS, PPML, HTML and SVG formats requires getting the corresponding add-ons from RenderX.)

Specifies the target format of XEP.

If this pseudo-parameter is absent, which target format to use is guessed from the extension of the output file name.

Configuration file

A configuration file, as documented in the XEP User Guide, may be used to parametrize RenderX XEP. The location of this configuration file may be specified in system property XXE_XEP_CONFIG. The value of XXE_XEP_CONFIG is expected to be the URL or the absolute filename of an existing file. The default location of this configuration file is XXE_user_preferences_directory/xep/xep.conf.

Note that the parameters of the processFO child element of a process command have priority over the options specified in the configuration file.

XMLmind FO Converter XSL-FO processor plug-in

XXE Version:10.8.0

Allows to convert XML documents to RTF (Word 2000+), WordprocessingML (Word 2003+), Office Open XML (.docx, Word 2007+) and OpenDocument (.odt, OpenOffice/LibreOffice 2+).

This add-on includes a copy of another XMLmind commercial product called XMLmind XSL-FO Converter.

Use in XMLmind XML Editor Personal Edition

This add-on is installed by default in XMLmind XML Editor Personal Edition for evaluation purposes. However, when installed in this editor, the add-on generates output containing random duplicate letters (which makes the output useless for any purpose other than evaluating XMLmind XSL-FO Converter). Of course, this does not happen when the add-on is installed in XMLmind XML Editor Professional Edition.

Use in XMLmind DITA Editor and XMLmind DocBook Editor

It is possible to install this add-on in XMLmind DITA Editor and XMLmind DocBook Editor, but just like for XMLmind XML Editor Personal Edition, the add-on generates output containing random duplicate letters.

Support of SVG and MathML graphics

The support of SVG and MathML graphics requires installing the following add-ons:

  • Apache Batik image toolkit plug-in
  • JEuclid image toolkit plug-in

processFO parameters

Any of the options documented in XMLmind XSL-FO Converter - User's Guide may be passed as a parameter to the processFO child element of a process command. More information in XMLmind XML Editor - Commands.

<processFO processor="XFC" file="" to="__doc.rtf">
  <parameter name="outputEncoding">Cp1252</parameter>

Image toolkit plug-ins  Back to TOC

Apache Batik image toolkit plug-in

XXE Version:10.8.0

Adds support of SVG graphics. Includes Batik 1.16.

convertImage parameters

The following parameters may be used in the convertImage child element of a process command. More information in XMLmind XML Editor - Commands.

<convertImage from="raw/*.svg" to="resources" format="jpeg">
  <parameter name="quality">0.95</parameter>
ParameterApplies to output formatValueDescription
backgroundPNG, JPEG

Color specified using the CSS syntax.

Examples: rgb(255,0,0), #FF0000, red.

Specify the background color to use. Default: none (transparent background).
forceTransparentWhitePNG, JPEGtrue | false

A fully transparent pixel should be fully transparent black. However, this is rarely well supported by applications (FOP, XEP, etc) that render the converted image. That's why by default, a fully transparent pixel is fully transparent white.

Setting the forceTransparentWhite parameter to false allows to remove this workaround.

Default: true.

qualityJPEGNumber between 0 and 1.Controls the tradeoff between file size and image quality . Default: 0.8.
indexedPNG1 | 2| 4 | 8

If specified, the generated image will be an indexed PNG having the specified color bit depth (1-bit=2 colors, 2-bit=4colors, etc).

Default: none (generate true color PNG).

Modifications made by XMLmind Software

Note that Apache Batik has been modified by XMLmind Software in order to fix a minor bug. More information in batik_addon_install_dir/CHANGES_MADE_BY_XMLMIND.txt.

JEuclid image toolkit plug-in

XXE Version:10.8.0

Adds MathML support to Apache FOP and to XMLmind XSL-FO Converter. Allows to convert MathML to a number of image formats. Includes JEuclid 3.1.9.

What is JEuclid?

JEuclid, a comprehensive, Open Source, MathML toolkit, may be used by all editions of XMLmind XML Editor to render MathML equations on screen, in the styled views, and to convert MathML files (.mml, .odf) to a number of image formats (SVG, PNG, JPEG, etc).

How it works

In order to use this image toolkit plug-in, you must consider that MathML files are in fact a special kind of vector graphics files.

Therefore, referring to a MathML equation in an XML document simply means creating an image element and make it point to a MathML file. DocBook example:

<imagedata fileref="my_equation.mml"/>.

Note that, in order to be recognized, a MathML file must have a .mml or .odf extension.

A DocBook 4 sample containing MathML (.mml) and OpenDocument (.odf) equations is found in jeuclid_addon_install_dir/sample/MathML_Sample.xml.

Now, modern document types such as DocBook 5 may embed MathML equations as if they were vector graphics. DocBook 5 example:

  <mml:math xmlns:mml="">

In the above case, XMLmind XML Editor also uses the services of JEuclid through this plug-in when converting the XML document to other formats (HTML, PDF, .docx, etc). More precisely, it uses JEuclid to convert a MathML equation to an image file (PNG, JPEG, etc) compatible with the target output format.

convertImage parameters

The following parameters may be used in the convertImage child element of a process command. More information in XMLmind XML Editor - Commands.

<convertImage from="raw/*.mml" to="resources" format="png">
  <parameter name="MATHSIZE">14</parameter>
ANTIALIAStrue | falseAnti-alias mode for rendering. Default: true.
ANTIALIAS_MINSIZEFont size in pointsMinimum font size for which anti-alias is turned on. Defaults to 10.0.
DEBUGtrue | falseDebug mode. If true, elements will have borders drawn around them.
FONTS_DOUBLESTRUCKComma separated list of font familiesList of font families for double-struck.
FONTS_FRAKTURComma separated list of font familiesList of font families for fraktur.
FONTS_MONOSPACEDComma separated list of font familiesList of font families for monospaced.
FONTS_SANSSERIFComma separated list of font familiesList of font families for sans-serif.
FONTS_SCRIPTComma separated list of font familiesList of font families for script.
FONTS_SERIFComma separated list of font familiesList of font families for serif.

Color specified using the CSS syntax | transparent

Examples: rgb(255,0,0), #FF0000, red.

Default background color.

Color specified using the CSS syntax.

Default foreground color.
MATHSIZEFont size in pointsFont size used for the output. Defaults to 16.0.
MFRAC_KEEP_SCRIPTLEVELtrue | falseIf true, the mfrac element will never increase children's scriptlevel (in violation of the spec); otherwise it will behave in accordance to the spec.
SCRIPTLEVELIntegerScript level. Defaults to 0.
SCRIPTMINSIZEFont size in pointsFont size for smallest script used. Defaults to 8.0.
SCRIPTSIZEMULTIPLIERNumberScript size multiplier. Defaults to 0.71.


This plug-in, previous called "JEuclid MathML / ODF image plug-in", has been created by Max Berger who is also the maintainer of JEuclid.

As of version 3.0.1_01, the name of this plug-in becomes "JEuclid image toolkit plug-in" and its code is maintained by XMLmind.

This plug-in is released under the same license as JEuclid: Apache Software License Version 2.0.

The source code of this plug-in, as well as an ant build.xml file allowing to rebuild jeuclid_imagetoolkit.jar, are found in jeuclid_addon_install_dir/

Modifications made by XMLmind Software

Note that JEuclid has been modified by XMLmind Software in order to recompile it against latest versions of Apache FOP and Apache Batik. More information in jeuclid_addon_install_dir/CHANGES_MADE_BY_XMLMIND.txt.

Virtual drive plug-ins  Back to TOC

WebDAV virtual drive plug-in

XXE Version:10.8.0

Allows to edit documents stored on a WebDAV server.

Built on the top of XMLmind WebDAV Client v2.0, a class library allowing Java™ applications to use the services of a WebDAV server.

XMLmind WebDAV Client itself leverages Apache HttpComponents Client v5.1.3.

FTP virtual drive plug-in

XXE Version:10.8.0

Edit documents stored on an FTP server

Built on the top of edtFTPj/Free 2.5.0 (, a free, open source, Java™ FTP library.


FTPS, SFTP servers are no longer supported as of XMLmind XML Editor v9.3.

Spell checker plug-ins  Back to TOC

Hunspell Spell Checker

XXE Version:10.8.0

Hunspell is a spell checker and morphological analyzer library and program designed for languages with rich morphology and complex word compounding or character encoding. More information here.

Hunspell Spell Checker is an alternative to XMLmind Spell Checker, the spell checker which is included in all the distributions of XMLmind XML Editor.

If you don't find a dictionary for XMLmind Spell Checker or if your language poses problems to XMLmind Spell Checker (Hungarian, German, Turkish, etc), then you are welcome to install the "Hunspell Spell Checker" add-on. Note that if you do this, Hunspell will completely supersede XMLmind. That is, there is no way to use XMLmind for some languages and Hunspell for other languages.

On the other hand, if XMLmind Spell Checker satisfies you —and in our experience, this should be the case for at least English and French— it's strongly recommended not to install Hunspell Spell Checker, as XMLmind has many technical advantages over Hunspell.

How to add dictionaries?

Dictionaries of the English language, with Canada, Great Britain, USA and New Zealand variants, are included in this add-on.

In order to add more dictionaries:

  1. Download the dictionary you want to add from one of the many sites where you'll find Hunspell dictionaries. For example, as Hunspell is the spell checker engine of OpenOffice, you'll find most dictionaries in, packaged as .oxt files (OpenOffice extension; a Zip archive in fact).
  2. Select menu item Options|Preferences.
  3. In the Preferences dialog box, select the "Add-on|Hunspell Spell Checker" section.
  4. Click Add to specify the .oxt or the .zip file you have downloaded.
  5. Restart XMLmind XML Editor.

Do not use "Options|Install Add-ons" in order to install Dictionary add-ons. Dictionary add-ons are for use by XMLmind Spell Checker and not by Hunspell Spell Checker.


Ignore mixed-case words
If this toggle is checked, do not check words containing case mixing (e.g. "SpellChecker"). Default: checked.
Ignore words with digits
If this toggle is checked, do not check words containing digits (e.g. "b2b"). Default: checked.
Ignore URL-like words
If this toggle is checked, ignore words looking like URLs or file names (e.g. "" or "c:\boot.ini"). Default: checked.
Ignore duplicate words
If this toggle is checked, do not signal two successive identical words as an error. Default: not checked.
Allow file extensions
If this toggle is checked, accepts any word ending with registered file extensions (e.g. "myfile.txt", "index.html", etc). Default: checked.


Unlike XMLmind Spell Checker which is a 100% Java™ software component, the "Hunspell Spell Checker" add-on requires loading native code (e.g. hunspell.dll). In practice, this means that this add-on only runs on Windows Intel™ 32-bit and 64-bit, macOS ARM® (AKA Apple® M1) and Intel™ 64-bit, Linux Intel™ 64-bit. In other words, you cannot use this add-on on any platform supporting Java™ 1.8+.


The implementation of this add-on is based on two open-source software components: Hunspell v1.7.0 and Java Native Access (JNA) v5.11.0.

XMLmind Spell Checker

XXE Version:10.8.0

XMLmind Spell Checker v1.3.3, a fast, lightweight, 100% Java™, spell checker featuring a high suggestion quality.

XMLmind Spell Checker is included in all the distributions of XMLmind XML Editor.

If you don't find a dictionary for XMLmind Spell Checker or if your language poses problems to XMLmind Spell Checker (Hungarian, German, Turkish, etc), then you are welcome to install the alternative "Hunspell Spell Checker" add-on. Note that if you do this, Hunspell will completely supersede XMLmind. That is, there is no way to use XMLmind for some languages and Hunspell for other languages.

On the other hand, if XMLmind Spell Checker satisfies you —and in our experience, this should be the case for at least English and French— it's strongly recommended not to install Hunspell Spell Checker, as XMLmind has many technical advantages over Hunspell.

How to add dictionaries?

  1. Select menu item "Options|Install Add-ons".
    This displays the "Install Add-ons" dialog box.
  2. Select one or more add-ons in the Dictionary category by clicking the corresponding checkboxes.
  3. Click OK.
  4. Restart XMLmind XML Editor.


Ignore case
If this toggle is checked, ignore capitalization errors. Default: not checked.
Ignore mixed-case words
If this toggle is checked, do not check words containing case mixing (e.g. "SpellChecker"). Default: checked.
Ignore words with digits
If this toggle is checked, do not check words containing digits (e.g. "b2b"). Default: checked.
Ignore URL-like words
If this toggle is checked, ignore words looking like URLs or file names (e.g. "" or "c:\boot.ini"). Default: checked.
Ignore duplicate words
If this toggle is checked, do not signal two successive identical words as an error. Default: not checked.
Check punctuation
If this toggle is checked, punctuation checking is enabled: misplaced white space and wrong sequences, like a dot following a comma, are detected. Default: not checked.
Allow compounds words
If this toggle is checked, all words formed by concatenating two legal words with an hyphen are accepted. If the language allows it, two words concatenated without hyphen are also accepted. Default: checked.
Allow general prefixes
If this toggle is checked, a word formed by concatenating a registered prefix and a legal word is accepted. For example, if "mini-" is a registered prefix, accepts "mini-computer". Default: checked.
Allow file extensions
If this toggle is checked, accepts any word ending with registered file extensions (e.g. "myfile.txt", "index.html", etc). Default: checked.
Favor quality over speed
For use on a fast computer. Does not influence the number of suggestions (always limited to 15). Default: not checked.

Document format plug-ins  Back to TOC

JSON document format

XXE Version:10.8.0

Use XMLmind XML Editor to edit a JSON file as if it were an XML file.

The XML representation of JSON used by this add-on is documented in "JSONx, an XML Encoding for JSON".

A JSON file has a ".json" filename suffix and is encoded in UTF-8 or UTF-16. This add-on always uses the UTF-8 encoding when saving JSON files to disk.

This add-on is built using nanojson 1.8, an excellent, tiny, fast, and compliant JSON parser and writer for Java™.

Why use this add-on?

This add-on serves as a complement to the "Edit source" add-on, which adds to XMLmind XML Editor the capability to open, edit and save all kinds of text files, including JSON files.

So why bother editing a JSON file as if it were an XML file? In a nutshell, because it's easier and safer than with text editors. XMLmind XML Editor won't let you create a malformed or inconsistent JSON file. Moreover the styled view of a JSON document in XMLmind XML Editor is designed to be easy to read.

A sample JSON document is found in json_docformat_addon_install_dir/sample.json.

However, if you don't like this feature, simply open the Options|Preferences dialog box, select the "Add-on|JSON format" section and check "Edit JSON as Text".

Other add-ons  Back to TOC

Bidi Support

XXE Version:10.8.0

Adds bidirectional script support to XMLmind XML Editor.

If you plan to author documents containing right-to-left scripts (e.g. Arabic, Hebrew) using XMLmind XML Editor (XXE), you must really install this add-on, as, out of the box, XXE has no bidirectional script support whatsoever. Without this add-on, even the most basic editing features, like the location of the insertion cursor (caret), won't work or would be incorrect.


On the other hand, do not install this add-on unless you have a real need for it. Installing this add-on has a substantial performance penalty on XXE, even when authoring documents not containing any right-to-left scripts.

A sample XHTML document containing English, Arabic and Hebrew, created using XXE, is found in bidi_support_addon_install_dir/samples/sample1_en_ar_he.html. Some DocBook and DITA samples are also found in the same directory.

By reading "XMLmind XML Editor - Bidirectional Script Support", you'll learn to use XXE as effectively as possible in order to create documents mixing right-to-left (RTL; like Arabic and Hebrew) and left-to-right (LTR; like English and French) scripts.

Edit source

XXE Version:10.8.0

Edit XML documents at the source level. Also adds the capability to open, edit and save all kinds of text files (.css, .js, .dtd, etc), including "not well-formed" XML files.

This add-on is built using RSyntaxTextArea components 3.4.0.

The source view of an XML document

The "Edit source" add-on adds an "XML Source" item at the end of the View menu. Selecting this item replaces the current styled or tree view by a source view of the document being edited.

The source view of a document shows the contents of the save file which would be created by XMLmind XML Editor for this document (same automatic indentation, same named character entities, etc).

The source view of a document embeds an advanced text editor having the following capabilities.


  • Syntax highlighting.
  • Element folding.
  • Auto-completion (after pressing Ctrl-SPACE) for element names, attribute names, attribute enumerated values and named character entities.
  • "Not well-formed" errors are reported in really time.


  • Validity errors are not reported in really time.
  • Auto-completion suggests all the child element names regardless of whether this would make the parent element invalid. For example, auto-completion will suggest child element "title" even when the "chapter" parent element already has a "title".

In addition to the keyboard shortcuts found in all text editors, the source view also supports the following shortcuts:

(Ctrl even on the Mac)
Auto-completion for element names, attribute names, attribute enumerated values and named character entities.
Element names
Type '<' then press Ctrl-SPACE.
Attribute names
Press Ctrl-SPACE inside an open tag (e.g. after foo inside <foo ...>).
Named character entities
Type '&' then press Ctrl-SPACE.
(Cmd on the Mac)

Press Ctrl+Shift-F to find backwards.

Ctrl-GFind again.

Press Ctrl+Shift-G to find again backwards.


Press Ctrl+Shift-M to replace backwards.

Ctrl+Shift-LGoto line.
The source view is not “synchronized in real-time” with the other views of the same document

Being an (almost) normal view of an XML document, it's possible to use "View|Multiple Views|Add View" to have, for example, the styled view of a document and its source view side by side.

However, while all the tree and styled views of a document are “synchronized in real-time” (that is, reflect the same document content in real-time), this is not the case of the source view. For performance reasons, you'll have to save the document to disk (or at least check the document for validity) to synchronize a source view with the other views.

For example, if you click in the styled view of a document, modify it and save the document to disk, the source view of the document will be automatically updated. Note that if before doing that, the source view was modified, you'll loose these unsaved changes.

Conversely, if you click in the source view of a document, modify it and save the document to disk, the styled view of the document will be automatically updated. Note that if before doing that, the styled view was modified, you'll loose these unsaved changes.

In a nutshell, if you use the styled view of a document side by side with other views, always remember to save your document to disk (Ctrl-S; or at least check the document for validity: Ctrl+Shift-V) before switching from one view to an other.

Opening plain text files in XMLmind XML Editor

The "Edit source" add-on adds to XMLmind XML Editor the capability to open, edit and save all kinds of text files (.css, .js, .dtd, etc), including "not well-formed" XML files. This is done using an advanced text editor featuring syntax highlighting, function folding, etc.

Which files are directly opened as text files (i.e. not as XML files first) can be specified using the Options|Preferences, "Add-on|Text format" preferences form.

Why open text files in XMLmind XML Editor?

  1. This is handy to fix "not well-formed" XML files.
  2. After downloading and installing the corresponding virtual drive plug-ins, XMLmind XML Editor can open, edit and save text files stored on remote servers (WebDAV, FTP, etc).
  3. XMLmind XML Editor can lock local text files and text files stored on a WebDAV server.

FlatLaf Look and Feel

Author:FormDev Software
XXE Version:10.4+

FlatLaf, a clean, simple and elegant “Look & Feel” for XMLmind XML Editor.

This add-on is installed by default. The FlatLaf Look & Feel is supported on all platforms.

FlatLaf and its light theme ("FlatLight") is used as the default Look & Feel on Linux. This is needed because on Linux, the “system” Look & Feel (called "Metal") looks rather outdated.

This Look & Feel may also interest Windows and Mac users who want a dark theme ("FlatDark", "FlatDarculaLaf", "FlatMacDarkLaf") or simply prefer how FlatLaf looks compared to the default, “system”, Look & Feel.

Paste from Word Processor or Browser

XXE Version:10.8.0

Import the HTML copied to the clipboard by word processors or web browsers and intelligently paste it into the XML document being edited.

  • Extensive efforts are made to decently support the “non-filtered HTML” copied by MS-Word to the clipboard.
  • When an application other than MS-Word is used, the quality of the result you'll get in XXE highly depends on what has been copied to the clipboard. In all cases, XXE tries very hard to import something simple, clean and valid at the expense of the fidelity to the original data.

This add-on adds an entry called "Paste from Word Processor or Browser" to the "Paste As" submenu found in the XHTML, DocBook or DITA Topic menus.

This menu entry allows not only to paste snippets copied from word processors or web browsers, but also to import entire documents or HTML pages. In order to import the entire document into XXE:

  1. Open the document in the third-party application.
  2. Press Ctrl-A (Select All) then press Ctrl-C (Copy) to copy it to the clipboard.
  3. Create a new XML document in XXE by using File|New.
  4. Use File|Save As to save this new XML document to disk.
  5. Explicitly select the root element of the XML document, for example by clicking on its name in the node path bar.
  6. Select menu item "Paste As|Paste from Word Processor or Browser" to paste the content of the clipboard. This menu item is found in the DITA Topic, DocBook and XHTML menus. (Note that Ctrl-V, that is, the plain Edit|Paste command, would not work here.)

Modifications to TagSoup made by XMLmind Software

Note that TagSoup 1.2.1, the HTML parser used to implement this add-on, has been modified by XMLmind Software in order to make it support all HTML5 elements. More information in paste_from_word_addon_install_dir/TAGSOUP_CHANGES_MADE_BY_XMLMIND.txt.

Easy Profiling

XXE Version:10.8.0

This add-on makes it convenient and easy working with conditional processing profiles in XMLmind XML Editor.

This add-on adds a submenu called "Conditional Processing", document templates called "Conditional Processing Profiles" to the DITA, DocBook and Ebook configurations and an "Add-on|Easy Profiling" preferences sheet to the Preferences dialog box.

A "Conditional Processing Profiles" document template may be used to create a ".profiles" file in XMLmind XML Editor. Such files contain a specification of one or more conditional processing profiles in a proprietary format.

The "Conditional Processing" submenu lets the user work with conditional processing profiles when the document being edited is a DITA map or topic (of any kind), a DocBook 4 or 5 document, an ebook specification or an ebook source XHTML5 page.

Important preliminary step if you author DocBook documents

If you author DocBook documents and want to work with conditional processing profiles, then please use "Options|Customize Configuration|Customize Document Conversion Stylesheets" to select the profiling XSLT stylesheets. This step is needed because, out of the box, it's the normal XSLT stylesheets, which do not support conditional processing, which are selected by default.

Note that there is no such preliminary step if you author DITA documents.

More information in XMLmind XML Editor - Easy Profiling.

A tutorial on the "Easy Profiling" add-on, including a screencast, is found in Conditional processing made easy.

A sample customize.xxe

XXE Version:10.0+

This sample customize.xxe file contains a number of useful macro-commands and their keyboard shortcuts. Note that it customizes XMLmind XML Editor for all document types (i.e. it is not specific to DocBook, DITA, XHTML, etc).

Add useful macro-commands and their bindings

This customization file adds to XXE the following bindings:

Keyboard shortcutCommand
- (minus)Insert an ndash character by typing 2 '-' in a row and an mdash character by typing 3 '-' in a row.
' (apostrophe)Insert an English left quotation mark by typing 2 "'" in a row and a English right quotation mark by typing 3 "'" in a row. Example: “Hello”.
, (comma)Insert an German left quotation mark by typing 2 "," in a row and a German right quotation mark by typing 3 "," in a row. Example: „Hallo“.
<, >Insert a French opening guillemet by typing 2 '<' in a row and a French closing guillemet by typing 2 '>' in a row. Example: «Salut».
) , ] or }Highlights matching (, [ or {. Beeps if matching character is not found.
Esc 8

Invoke command normalizeWhiteSpacePre to normalize whitespace in implicitly or explicitly selected element having attribute space="preserve".

Normalizing whitespace means: expanding tabs and removing superfluous indentation in this element.

(By default, this useful command is not bound to any keystroke.)

Esc tSwaps the character before the caret with the character after the caret. Useful if you are a bit dyslexic.
Esc !Inserts before caret the output of an external command.
Esc /Collapses nearest collapsible view if it is expanded and expands nearest collapsible view if it is collapsed.
Esc +Expands nearest collapsible view and then, recursively expands all its collapsible descendant views.
Esc -Collapses nearest collapsible view and then, recursively collapses all its collapsible descendant views.
Esc 1Expand level-1 collapsible views; recursively collapse lower-level collapsible views. (Very useful just after you open a large document to see its outline.)
Esc 2Expand level-1 and level-2 collapsible views; recursively collapse lower-level collapsible views.
Esc ?Compare the document being edited to its backup file (ending with '~') automatically created by XXE.

For this command to work in this editing session, option "Tools|Revisions|Enable the Comparison of Revisions" must have been turned on during a preceding editing session.

Add support for even more image formats

If you have Ghostscript 8+ and/or TeX installed on your machine, uncomment this line (found at the end of customize.xxe):

  <include location="imagetoolkits.incl" />

and you'll add to XXE support for:

  • EPS, PDF graphics,
  • “TeX Math”.

Open XXE_install_dir/demo/docbook-image.xml to test these newly added image toolkit plug-ins.

Word To XML

XXE Version:10.8.0

Allows to import a DOCX file created using MS-Word 2007+ as a DITA, DocBook or XHTML document.

This add-on includes a copy of another XMLmind commercial product called XMLmind Word To XML:

This add-on adds an "Import DOCX" item to the File menu. This menu item displays a dialog box allowing the user to select a ".docx" file, to specify the target XML document type and to specify an XML output file. The XML output file created this way by XMLmind Word To XML is automatically opened in XMLmind XML Editor.

XMLmind Word To XML plug-ins

XMLmind Word To XML plug-ins, if any, must be copied to Word_To_XML_addon_install_dir/plugin/.

If this is not possible then the locations of these plug-ins must be specified using system property W2X_PLUGIN_PATH. This system property contains a list of absolute paths of directories separated by ';'. Moreover, these plug-in directories must be found inside any of the two addon/ directories scanned by XMLmind XML Editor during its startup. Example:

<property name="W2X_PLUGIN_PATH">+;C:\Users\john\AppData\Roaming\XMLmind\XMLEditor9\addon\sample_plugins</property>

After copying XMLmind Word To XML plug-ins, XMLmind XML Editor Quick Start cache must be cleared (using Options|Preferences, Advanced|Cached data, "Quick Start cache" Clear).

Use in XMLmind XML Editor Personal Edition

This add-on is installed by default in XMLmind XML Editor Personal Edition for evaluation purposes. However, when installed in this editor, the add-on generates output containing random words replaced by string "[XMLmind]" (which makes the output useless for any purpose other than evaluating XMLmind Word To XML). Of course, this does not happen when the add-on is installed in XMLmind XML Editor Professional Edition.

Use in XMLmind DITA Editor and XMLmind DocBook Editor

It is possible to install this add-on in XMLmind DITA Editor and XMLmind DocBook Editor, but just like for XMLmind XML Editor Personal Edition, the add-on generates output containing random words replaced by string "[XMLmind]".

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