|Convert icons
Convert to PDF iconConvert to RTF (Word 2000+) iconConvert to WordprocessingML (Word 2003+) iconConvert to Office Open XML (.docx, Word 2007+) iconConvert to OpenDocument (.odt, OpenOffice/LibreOffice 2+) icon

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New "Open containing folder" button.XMLmind Word To XML v1.13 (January 15, 2025):
  • Desktop application w2x-app: added an "Open containing folder" button which lets the user open the folder containing the output file in the standard file explorer of the operating system.
  • Added a -printenv option to command-line tool w2x. This option prints supported environment variables/system properties (e.g. W2X_IMAGE_CONVERSIONS) and then exits.
  • Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler to version 3.6, which features several minor enhancements, mostly related to the Index panel.
  • Modified the Web Help generator to benefit from the enhancements brought by XMLmind Web Help Compiler v3.6.
  • Official support of Java™ 23 and macOS Sequoia (version 15).
XMLmind XSL-FO Converter v6.5.0 (December 27, 2024): Highlights:
  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine (Java™ Edition only, SVG and MathML not supported by .NET Edition):
    • DOCX output format: new option docx.keepSVG, which is true by default, instructs the engine to keep both input SVG graphics and their conversions to PNG in the DOCX output file.
    • ODT ouput format: By default, input MathML elements are now converted to SVG rather than PNG.
  • Updated most software components in XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server.
  • Official support of Java™ 23 and macOS Sequoia (version 15).
Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.16.1 (December 9, 2024): Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler to version 3.6, which features several minor enhancements, mostly related to the Index panel.
Open Source XMLmind Ebook Compiler v1.11.1 (December 9, 2024): Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler to version 3.6, which features several minor enhancements, mostly related to the Index panel.
The menu displayed by the "Sort files by" button of the "Browse Files" toolXMLmind XML Editor v10.10 (November 15, 2024):

Release of XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition v1.5

XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition (XXEW for short) is a 100% JavaScript, lightweight, streamlined, implementation of XMLmind XML Editor running in the web browser, thus not requiring any installation on the user side. More information ».

What's new in this version?

Other changes:

  • Added a "Sort files by" menu to the toolbar of the "Browse Files" tool. This menu lets you sort the listed files according to different file properties: name, date, size, etc, in either ascending or descending order.
  • The "Ebook Page" configuration has been made closer to the "XHTML 5" configuration in terms of CSS stylesheets and toolbar buttons.
  • Better support of attribute rowheader="firstcol" in CALS table (that is, DocBook and DITA tables).
  • Updated most software components (XMLmind Word To XML, Saxon, FOP, Batik, etc).
  • Several bug fixes.
Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.16 (November 4, 2024): A minor enhancement and a bug fix. Official support of Java™ 23. “Plus distribution” now bundled with Apache FOP 2.10.
Open Source XMLmind Ebook Compiler v1.11 (November 4, 2024): A minor enhancement. Official support of Java™ 23. “Plus distribution” now bundled with Apache FOP 2.10.
XMLmind Word To XML v1.12 (September 17, 2024): Maintenance release: minor bug fixes; updated some software components; official support of Java™ 22.
Validity tool showing the error list in document order (default order).XMLmind XML Editor v10.9 (September 3, 2024):

Release of XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition v1.4

XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition (XXEW for short) is a 100% JavaScript, lightweight, streamlined, implementation of XMLmind XML Editor running in the web browser, thus not requiring any installation on the user side. More information ».

What's new in this version?

Other changes:

  • Improved the usability of the Validity tool by rendering error messages in a nicer, more readable, way and also by adding two "sort errors" buttons. First button may be used to sort the error list with the most severe errors first. Second button may be used to sort the error list in document order (which was the only error order available in previous versions of XXE).
  • Added an auto-update option to the dialog box displayed by "Help|Show Element Reference" menu item. If the corresponding checkbox is checked, this option automatically updates the dialog box to always show the content model of selected element. This checkbox replaces the “manual update” button found in the previous version of the dialog box.
  • Updated several software components (XMLmind XSL-FO Converter, Saxon, etc).
  • A couple of minor bug fixes.
Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.15.2 (August 19, 2024): Minor bug fix. Updated software components.
Open Source XMLmind Ebook Compiler v1.10.2 (August 19, 2024): Minor bug fix. Updated software components.
XMLmind XSL-FO Converter v6.4.3 (July 29, 2024): Maintenance release: a couple of minor enhancements and bug fixes; updated some software components in XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server; official support of Java™ 22.
"demo/forms/form-sampler.xml" opened in XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition 1.3XMLmind XML Editor v10.8 (June 17, 2024):

Release of XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition v1.3

XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition (XXEW for short) is a 100% JavaScript, lightweight, streamlined, implementation of XMLmind XML Editor running in the web browser, thus not requiring any installation on the user side. More information ».

What's new in this version?

Other changes:

  • DITA Topic, DocBook, XHTML, TEI Lite configurations: added a "Check External References" item to the menu which is specific to the document type (e.g. the Topic menu). All kinds of external resources are checked for existence: images, audio, video, PDF documents, HTML pages, fragments in HTML pages, etc.
  • Added "Comment Out" and "Uncomment" menu items to the "Edit|Comment" menu. "Comment Out" replaces text selection or explicit node selection by a comment containing the selection. "Uncomment" is inverse command of "Comment Out".
  • A number of bug fixes.
  • Official support of Java™ 22.
Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.15.1 (June 5, 2024): Fixed a regression related to the -foconverter command-line option. Official support of Java™ 22.
Open Source XMLmind Ebook Compiler v1.10.1 (June 5, 2024): Fixed a regression related to the -foconverter command-line option. Official support of Java™ 22.
The remark editor now lets the user reply to a remark made by another user or modify her/his own remark or delete itXMLmind XML Editor v10.7 (March 22, 2024):

Release of XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition v1.2

XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition (XXEW for short) is a 100% JavaScript, lightweight, streamlined, implementation of XMLmind XML Editor running in the web browser, thus not requiring any installation on the user side. More information ».

What's new in this version?

Other changes:

XMLmind XSL-FO Converter v6.4.2 (February 29, 2024): Maintenance release: updated most software components in XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server; official support of Java™ 21 and macOS Sonoma (version 14).
XMLmind Word To XML v1.11 (February 16, 2024): Minor enhancements and bug fixes. Updated some software components. Official support of Java™ 21 and macOS Sonoma (version 14).
Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.15 (January 31, 2024): Minor enhancements. Upgraded some software components.
Open Source XMLmind Ebook Compiler v1.10 (January 31, 2024): Minor enhancements. Upgraded some software components.
XXE 10.6 running on macOS Sonoma (version 14.x).XMLmind XML Editor v10.6 (November 22, 2023):

Release of XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition v1.1

XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition (XXEW for short) is a 100% JavaScript, lightweight, streamlined, implementation of XMLmind XML Editor running in the web browser, thus not requiring any installation on the user side. More information ».

What's new in this version?

Other changes:

Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.14.1 (September 18, 2023): Upgraded most software components. “Plus distribution” now bundled with Apache FOP 2.9.
Open Source XMLmind Ebook Compiler v1.9 (September 18, 2023): A couple of bug fixes. Upgraded most software components. “Plus distribution” now bundled with Apache FOP 2.9.
A DocBook document containing MathML equations opened in XXE Web Edition (running in Firefox).XMLmind XML Editor v10.5 (September 1, 2023):

Release of XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition v1.0

XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition (XXEW for short) is a 100% JavaScript, lightweight, streamlined, implementation of XMLmind XML Editor running in the web browser, thus not requiring any installation on the user side.

More information in XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition.

Other changes:

August 2, 2023, fourth public release of XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition, version 1.0.0-beta4, is freely available for testing. Added features and bug fixes documented here.
XMLmind XSL-FO Converter v6.4.1 (July 24, 2023): Maintenance release: updated several software components in XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server; official support of Java™ 20.
July 4, 2023, third public release of XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition, version 1.0.0-beta3, is freely available for testing. Added features and bug fixes documented here.
XMLmind Word To XML v1.10 (June 20, 2023): Several bug fixes. Web Help output format: now supports the new corporate layout in addition to the classic and simple layouts.
New "corporate" Web Help layout with a simple green theme.Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.14 (June 12, 2023):
  • Added a add-copiable-links parameter which makes it easy copying links to chapters, sections, tables, figures, etc, in order to share them with others. For example, send by email a link to a chapter found in the generated Web Help.
  • Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler to version 3.5, which supports the new corporate layout in addition to the classic and simple layouts.
Open Source XMLmind Ebook Compiler v1.8 (June 12, 2023):
  • Added a proc.copiablelinks parameter which makes it easy copying links to chapters, sections, tables, figures, etc, in order to share them with others. For example, send by email a link to a chapter found in the generated Web Help.
  • Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler to version 3.5, which supports the new corporate layout in addition to the classic and simple layouts.
May 29, 2023, second public release of XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition, version 1.0.0-beta2, is freely available for testing. Added features and bug fixes documented here.
A DITA <concept> opened in <xxe-client>, a custom HTML element which is the frontend of XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition.XMLmind XML Editor v10.4 (May 1, 2023):

First public release of XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition

XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition (XXEW for short) is a 100% JavaScript, lightweight, streamlined, implementation of XMLmind XML Editor running in the web browser, thus not requiring any installation on the user side.

Released version 1.0.0-beta1, almost feature complete, is freely available for testing. XXEW will become a commercial product at the end of the beta test period.

More information in XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition.

Other changes:

Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.13.1 (April 20, 2023): Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler to version 3.4.1. Official support of Java™ 20.
Open Source XMLmind Ebook Compiler v1.7.1 (April 20, 2023): Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler to version 3.4.1. Official support of Java™ 20.
XMLmind Word To XML v1.9.1 (March 15, 2023): Maintenance release. Updated most software components. Official support of macOS Ventura (version 13).
Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.13 (March 8, 2023): maintenance release featuring minor enhancements and bug fixes and some updated software components (e.g. Saxon).
Open Source XMLmind Ebook Compiler v1.7 (March 8, 2023): maintenance release featuring minor enhancements and bug fixes and some updated software components (e.g. Saxon).
'text-decoration' support by the DOCX formatXMLmind XSL-FO Converter v6.4 (January 23, 2023): Highlights:
XXE 10.3 running on macOS Ventura 13.xXMLmind XML Editor v10.3 (December 12, 2022): Highlights:
Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.12 (December 5, 2022): Updated several software components. Official support of Java™ 19. “Plus distribution” now bundled with Apache FOP 2.8.
Open Source XMLmind Ebook Compiler v1.6 (December 5, 2022): Updated several software components. Official support of Java™ 19. “Plus distribution” now bundled with Apache FOP 2.8.
Redesigned dialog box letting the user add or modify an entry of the MS-Word style to XML element map.XMLmind Word To XML v1.9 (October 3, 2022):
  • Redesigned the dialog box letting the user add or modify an entry of the MS-Word style to XML element map in order to make this dialog box simpler and less error-prone to use.
  • Other minor enhancements and a bug fix.
  • Now officially supported on the Java™ 18 and 19 platforms.
Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.11.2 (September 19, 2022): Two bug fixes. Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler to version 3.3.3.
Open Source XMLmind Ebook Compiler v1.5.2 (September19, 2022): Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler to version 3.3.3.
XMLmind XSL-FO Converter v6.3.3 (August 2, 2022): Maintenance release: updated several software components in XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server; official support of Java™ 18.
Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.11.1 (August 2, 2022): Upgraded XMLmind Web Help Compiler to version 3.3.2 which adds ARIA roles to some of the HTML elements generated by the classic and the simple layouts.
XMLmind XML Editor v10.2 (July 25, 2022): Highlights:
  • DITA Map/BookMap, DocBook Assembly, Ebook Specification configurations: the "Open All Topics R/O" and "Open All Topics" buttons found in the toolbar now open all the topics and maps referenced in the selected elements and their descendants.
  • The "Find and Replace Element" dialog box is not modal anymore, which makes it much more convenient to use.
  • The "Hunspell Spell Checker" add-on, leveraging Hunspell, now works on an Apple® M1 (ARM®) processor.
  • A few bug fixes too.
Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.11 (May 31, 2022): Two bug fixes.
XMLmind XML Editor v10.1 (April 26, 2022): Maintenance release, including a number of bug fixes but also:
Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.10.1 (April 14, 2022): Maintenance release. Official support of Java™ 18. “Plus distribution” now bundled with Apache FOP 2.7.
Open Source XMLmind Ebook Compiler v1.5.1 (April 14, 2022): Maintenance release. Official support of Java™ 18. “Plus distribution” now bundled with Apache FOP 2.7.
w2x-app and its online help browser running on macOS Monterey 12.x, Apple® M1 processor.XMLmind Word To XML v1.8.6 (March 10, 2022): Maintenance release. Official support of Windows 11 and macOS Monterey for both Intel® and ARM® (Apple® M1) processors.
XMLmind XSL-FO Converter v6.3.2 (January 21, 2022): Minor enhancements in XMLmind XSL Utility. Updated several software components in XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server. Official support of Java™ 17, macOS Monterey for both Intel® and ARM® (Apple® M1) processors, Windows 11.
Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.10 (January 17, 2022): Recommended upgrade: bug fixes related to <navtitle>.
XXE v10 running on macOS Monterey (MacBook M1 Pro)XMLmind XML Editor v10.0 (December 2, 2021): Highlights:
  • Got rid of rarely —if ever— used features in order to make the desktop XXE application “lighter” and also simpler to maintain and enhance.
  • The xxeconvert command-line utility, which replaces the xxetool command-line utility, runs on headless servers.
  • Several other enhancements and a number of bug fixes.
  • XMLmind XML Editor is now officially supported on Java™ 17 platforms, on macOS Monterey (version 12.0), including on Macs having an Apple® M1 (ARM®) processor and on Windows 11.
Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.9 (November 15, 2021): Maintenance release. Official support of Java™ 17, macOS Monterey for both Intel® and ARM® (Apple® M1) processors, Windows 11.
Open Source XMLmind Ebook Compiler v1.5 (November 15, 2021): Maintenance release. Official support of Java™ 17, macOS Monterey for both Intel® and ARM® (Apple® M1) processors, Windows 11.
XMLmind Word To XML v1.8.5 (October 4, 2021): A few enhancements and bug fixes. Now officially supported on Java™ 17 platforms (but not yet on Macs having an Apple M1 processor).
Confirm automatic upgrade of user-installed add-ons after a new version of XXE is installedXMLmind XML Editor v9.5.1 (June 22, 2021): Highlights:
  • Made the automatic upgrade of user-installed add-ons after a new version of XXE is installed simpler, more reliable and more systematic.

    However these new simplicity and reliability come at a price: using the "Install Add-ons" dialog box, it is no longer possible to install, uninstall or upgrade any of the bundled add-ons found inside the XXE installation directory (XXE_install_dir/addon/). (It's still possible to do this “manually” though.)

    More information in: The "Install Add-ons" dialog box.

  • Updated several software components (XMLmind DITA Converter, XMLmind Word To XML, etc).
  • XMLmind XML Editor is now officially supported on Java™ 16 platforms.
XMLmind Word To XML v1.8.4 (May 20, 2021): Minor enhancements and bug fixes. Now officially supported on Java™ 16 platforms.
Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.8.2 (May 14, 2021): Maintenance release: upgraded software component XMLmind Web Help Compiler to version 3.2; tested ditac against Java™ 16.
Open Source XMLmind Ebook Compiler v1.4.4 (May 14, 2021): Maintenance release: upgraded software component XMLmind Web Help Compiler to version 3.2; tested ebookc against Java™ 16.
DITA topic containing an Arabic text. ("Bidi Support" add-on installed; Linux; HiDPI screen; "FlatLight" look&feel.)XMLmind XML Editor v9.5 (March 5, 2021): Highlights:
XMLmind XSL-FO Converter v6.3.1 (February 23, 2021): Updated many software components in XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server (ditac, Saxon, Batik, FOP, etc). A couple of bug fixes, including a fix for an intriguing bug related to space between text lines triggered by MS-Word 2019+.
w2x-app running on macOS Big Sur (version 11.0)XMLmind Word To XML v1.8.3 (December 2, 2020):
  • Minor enhancements and bug fixes.
  • XMLmind Word To XML is now officially supported on Java™ 15 platforms and on macOS Big Sur (version 11.0).
Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.8.1 (November 30, 2020): Maintenance release: updated software components; tested against Java™ 15.
Open Source XMLmind Ebook Compiler v1.4.3 (November 30, 2020): Maintenance release: updated software components; tested against Java™ 15.
Edit a JSON file as if it were an XML fileXMLmind XML Editor v9.4.1 (September 25, 2020):
  • Any configuration (DITA, DocBook, XHTML, etc): added a handy "Change case" toolbar button to the "Convert Text" frame.
  • Added a "Highlight all" option to the Search tool.
  • New "JSON document format" add-on, installed by default. This add-on lets you use XMLmind XML Editor to edit a JSON file as if it were an XML file.
  • Upgraded the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter (XFC for short) plug-in to version 6.3.
  • Upgraded the "Word To XML" add-on to XMLmind Word To XML version 1.8.2 which may be used to convert DOCX to DocBook 5.1 assembly.
XMLmind XSL Utility (Linux; HiDPI screen; "FlatLight" look&feel)XMLmind XSL-FO Converter v6.3 (August 28, 2020): Highlights:
  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine:
    • It is now possible to add metadata (e.g. the usual author, title, date, etc, but also custom metadata) to the documents created by XFC. (XFC equivalent of MS-Word "File|Info|Properties, Advanced Properties".)
    • It is now possible to control the type of changes which can be made to the documents created by XFC. (XFC equivalent of MS-Word "File|Info|Protect Document, Restrict Editing".) For example, XFC can now generate a DOCX file which cannot be modified at all, unless the user types a password.
  • Updated many software components in XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server (ditac, Saxon, Batik, FOP, etc).
XMLmind Word To XML v1.8.2 (August 4, 2020): New DocBook 5.1 assembly output format. Updated the XMLmind Web Help Compiler software component. Now officially supported on Java™ 14 platforms.
"List Anchors and Links" dialog boxXMLmind XML Editor v9.4 (July 28, 2020):
  • Any configuration (DITA, DocBook, XHTML, etc):
    • New "Set ID" toolbar button. This button displays a menu having 3 entries: "Set ID", "Unset ID" and all new "List Anchors and Links". This last menu entry displays a very convenient dialog box letting the user search and select anchors (that is, any element having an ID) and links.
    • More generally, simpler, better organized, enhanced toolbar. For example, when you use the toolbar to add a fig element to your DITA topic, you are now prompted to specify an image file.
    • Ctrl-Alt-click upon a link of any kind to follow it. (Cmd-Alt-click on the Mac.) This new mouse action is a handy alternative to the "Follow Link" entry of the contextual menu.
  • Updated many software components (ditac, Saxon, Batik, FOP, etc).
  • A few minor bug fixes.
Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.8 (July 20, 2020): Some minor enhancements and bug fixes. Updated software components like Saxon and Apache FOP. Now officially supported on Java™ 14 platforms.
Open Source XMLmind Ebook Compiler v1.4.2 (July 20, 2020): Updated software components like Saxon and Apache FOP. Now officially supported on Java™ 14 platforms.
The contextual menu of the “file icon” found at the beginning of the node path barXMLmind XML Editor v9.3 (April 8, 2020):
  • Any configuration (DITA, DocBook, XHTML, etc): the node path bar can now be configured to display the value of any attribute you want. XHTML example: html > body > pre#example.fancy.line-numbers > code. Character "#" is used to prefix the value of attribute id. Character "." is used to prefix the tokens comprising the value of attribute class.

    These settings are done using a dialog box displayed when selecting the "Customize" item of the contextual menu of the “file icon” found at the very beginning of the node path bar. This contextual menu may also contain a number of checkboxes letting the user quickly hide and show the attributes declared using the "Customize" dialog box.

  • New add-on called "FlatLaf Look and Feel" containing a clean, simple and elegant “Look & Feel” for XMLmind XML Editor.

    This add-on, which is not installed by default, is supported on all platforms. It is especially nice to have on Linux where the default “cross-platform”, Look & Feel (called "Metal") looks rather outdated. It may also interest Windows and Mac users who want a dark theme or simply prefer how FlatLaf looks compared to the default, “system”, Look & Feel.

  • A number of other minor yet useful enhancements.
  • Updated several software components, among them XMLmind Word To XML (Import DOCX) and XMLmind XSL-FO Converter (Convert Document to RTF, WML, DOCX, ODT).
  • A few minor bug fixes too.
XMLmind Word To XML v1.8.1 (March 09, 2020):
A DITA landscape table converted to DOCXXMLmind XSL-FO Converter v6.2 (February 28, 2020): Highlights:
  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine: element fo:block-container with a reference-orientation attribute equal to 90, 270, -90 or -270 may be used to temporarily switch the page orientation from portrait to landscape. This feature is typically used to help MS-Word or OpenOffice/LibreOffice display a wide table or a wide figure.
  • XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine for .NET: upgraded the .NET implementation of the Java™ runtime needed to run XMLmind XSL-FO Converter to IKVM.NET 8.1.5717.0 (which corresponds to Java 1.8.0_45).
  • Updated several software components in XMLmind XSL Utility and XMLmind XSL Server, and most notably XMLmind Web Help Compiler. Thanks to XMLmind Web Help Compiler v3.x, the generated Web Help gets a fresh new look, among several other useful enhancements. For example, the Web Help is now “responsive” by default.
Open Source XMLmind DITA Converter v3.7.1 (February 26, 2020): Table attribute orient=land (landscape table) is now supported when generating PDF, RTF, WML, DOCX, ODT. Updated software components like Saxon and Apache FOP.
Open Source XMLmind Ebook Compiler v1.4.1 (February 26, 2020): Important bug fix. Updated software components like Saxon and Apache FOP.
XMLmind XML Editor v9.2 (January 16, 2020): Highlights:
  • When converting DITA, DocBook or an Ebook to any (X)HTML based format (EPUB, Web Help, etc), the generated HTML pages looks much better than before. Moreover the generated Web Help is now “responsive” by default.
  • New add-on "Paste from Word Processor or Browser", now installed by default whatever the platform, supersedes the previous add-on which was called "Paste from Word".

    This add-on adds an entry called "Paste from Word Processor or Browser" to the "Paste As" submenu found in the XHTML, DocBook or DITA Topic menus. This menu entry imports the HTML copied to the clipboard by word processors or web browsers and intelligently pastes it into the XML document being edited.

  • Updated many software components.
  • Now officially supported on Java™ 13 platforms and on macOS Catalina (10.15).

© 2017-2025 XMLmind Software. Updated on 2025/3/10.
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