XMLmind Ebook Compiler
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XMLmind Ebook Compiler Manual
Explains how to install, use, customize and embed XMLmind Ebook Compiler.

This document is available in several formats, all generated by ebookc from a single Ebook source (manual.ebook):

FormatFileXSL-FO processor used to generate the file
Web Help Web Helpwebhelp/index.html

Same but with a simple layout.
Same but with a corporate layout.
EPUB EPUB 3.0manual.epubN/A
EPUB Single HTML pagemanual.htmlN/A
PDF PDFmanual-fop.pdfApache FOP (with the JEuclid FOP plug-in, which is needed to add MathML support to FOP)
PDF PDFmanual.pdfRenderX XEP (MathML not supported)
RTF (MS-Word 2000+) RTF (MS-Word 2000+)manual.rtf [*]XMLmind XSL-FO Converter
WordprocessingML (MS-Word 2003+) WordprocessingML (MS-Word 2003+)manual.word.xml [*]XMLmind XSL-FO Converter
Office Open Document (MS-Word 2007+) Office Open Document (MS-Word 2007+)manual.docx [*]XMLmind XSL-FO Converter
OpenOffice ( 2+) OpenDocument (OpenOffice/LibreOffice 2+)manual.odt [*]XMLmind XSL-FO Converter
[*] If you want to see the correct page numbers, please proceed as explained in this FAQ.
XMLmind Ebook Compiler Java™ API
Reference manual of the API of XMLmind Ebook Compiler. (XMLmind Ebook Compiler has been designed in order to be easily embedded in any Java, desktop or server-side, application.)

Useful links

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