Chapter 3. Installing XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition Previous topic Parent topic Child topic Next topic


On the server side (computer running xxeserver, the backend of XXEW):
  • Multi-core computer having at least 8Gb(1) of RAM. The largest number of processor cores and the largest amount of memory, the best.
  • Officially supported only on: Windows 10+ 64-bit, macOS 14.x (Sonoma) and 13.x (Ventura) Intel® or Apple® Silicon processor and Linux.
  • Java™ 11+.
  • Ports 18078 and 18079 (secure connection) which are used by default by xxeserver to listen to client connections must not be blocked by your firewall.
On the client side (computer running the web browser):
  • A very recent version of Google Chrome or any browser using the same Blink Opens in new window browser engine: Edge, Opera, Brave, etc. Firefox works fine too, but without system clipboard integration. (Safari is currently not supported. All mobile web browsers are definitely not supported.)
  • Ports 18078 and 18079 (secure connection) which are used by default to connect to xxeserver must not be blocked by your anti-virus, firewall, proxy, etc.

Installing a software distribution

Unpack the XXEW distribution inside any directory you want.
  • On Windows, unzip the xxe-web-* distribution. This distribution contains in bin/jre64/, a very recent —generally the most recent— private OpenJDK Java™ runtime. Therefore no need to install Java on the Windows computer running xxeserver.
  • On the Mac, unpack the xxe-web-*-mac.tar.gz distribution. This distribution contains in bin/jre/ (for Macs having an Intel® processor) and in bin/jrea/ (for Macs having an Apple® Silicon processor), very recents —generally most recent— private OpenJDK Java™ runtimes. Therefore no need to install Java on the Mac running xxeserver.
  • On Linux and other Java™ 11+ platforms, unzip the xxe-web-*.zip distribution.
    Make sure that you have a Java™ 11+ runtime installed on your machine. To check this, open a terminal and type "java -version" followed by Enter.
    ~$ java -version
    openjdk version "22.0.2" 2024-07-16
    OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 22.0.2+9-70)
    OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 22.0.2+9-70, mixed mode)

Contents of the installation directory

The installation directory contains code and resources which are common to XMLmind XML Editor Desktop Edition (XXE) and XMLmind XML Editor Web Edition (XXEW). The code and resources which are specific to XXEW are found in subdirectory web/.
This addon/ directory contains a number of add-ons which are bundled with XXE.
Contains configuration files for a number of document types: DocBook, DITA, XHTML, etc.
Contains XXE code (.jar files).
legal/, legal.txt
Contains legal information about third-party components used in XXE.
Code and resources specific to XXEW.
Contains xxeserver.jar, the code of xxeserver and scripts used to start xxeserver. Use shell script xxeserver on the Mac and on Linux. Use xxeserver.bat and xxeservice.exe on Windows.
Contains XXEW documentation.
Empty directory which may be useful when running xxeserver (could contain a self-signed certificate, a remote file access JSON specification file, etc).
legal/, legal.txt
Contains legal information about XXEW and about third-party components used in XXEW.
All the Java™ class libraries needed to run xxeserver.
Empty directory which may be useful when running xxeserver (typically contains logs).
An HTML page containing the sample XML editor web application. This makes the XXEW distributions ready to use out of the box without having to configure or program anything.
The CSS and JavaScript™ code of <xxe-client> and <xxe-app>.

 (1) By default, xxeserver is configured to consume at most 2Gb.