103. showMatchingChar

Parameter syntax:

')' | '}' | ']'

Inserts specified character at caret position then, if the matching character ('(', '{', '[') is found, highlights this matching character for half a second. If the matching character is not found, this command emits an audio beep.

This command honors the Overwrite Mode (OVR) in XMLmind XML Editor - Online Help when this mode has been turned on.

This command must be bound to the following keystrokes:

    <charTyped char=")" />
    <command name="showMatchingChar" parameter=")" />

    <charTyped char="}" />
    <command name="showMatchingChar" parameter="}" />

    <charTyped char="]" />
    <command name="showMatchingChar" parameter="]" />

Note that a binding such as "<charTyped char="}"/>" may not work on some platforms. For example, it does not work on Windows when using a French keyboard where '}' is typed by pressing AltGr+}.