
Order Products

Required fields are marked with an asterisk (*).

  1. Ordered products.

    Quantity Reference Product* Unit Price Total Price
    Total (excluding possible discount):
    • The unit price of some products varies according to quantity.
      Click the Update button to recompute the order amount after changing a quantity.
    • Prices in Euros apply to customers inside the European Union. Prices in US Dollars apply to all other customers.
    • Prices in Euros do not include VAT (Value Added Tax).
      • In accordance with the European law, customers without a valid VAT identification number will be charged VAT. The applicable VAT rate for intangible products is that of the vendor's country. The current VAT rate for XMLmind products is 20% (the applicable rate in France).
      • Except for French organizations, EU registered businesses which provide their VAT number in section #5 below will not be charged VAT.
    • You, as a customer, will have to pay us, XMLmind Software, the above total price (of course, after a possible discount has been applied). Please do not expect to pay us less than this sum, either by automatically applying your local tax laws, or by asking us to fill local tax forms. If you don't agree with this policy, please do not buy or order products from XMLmind Software.
  2. If your are renewing your license for some of the products specified above, please enter your current license numbers separated by spaces or newlines.
    By doing so, you may be entitled to some discount off the regular price. This discount, if applicable, will be taken into account once this form is filled. (The resulting price will be rounded to the lesser integer value.)
    Please note that for licenses covering multiple units of a product, license renewal discount is no longer allowed if the number of ordered units is less than the number of previously held units. (See product price list page for further information.)

  3. Customer information.

  4. List of persons allowed to download free upgrades and/or get support from us. Please enter a list of email addresses separated by spaces or new lines.
    You must enter at least one email address. More addresses can be added later but any added email adress must have the same domain name as this initial email address.

  5. Billing information.

    Note to EU - except France - registered businesses: be sure to provide your VAT identification number to avoid VAT charge.

    If you intend to pay using a credit card, what follows must match exactly your credit card billing address.

    VAT Number:
    (2-letter country code + actual VAT number, e.g. FR35389657867)