Part I, Chapter 4. XSLT stylesheets parameters | Part I, Chapter 4, Section 1. Page headers and footers (11 / 32) | Part I, Chapter 5. Controlling the numbering of ordered lists |
RestrictionIf you use XMLmind
XSL-FO Converter to convert your DITA document to RTF, WML,
DOCX or ODT, then {{section1-title}} and
{{topic-title}} won't work. ({{chapter-title}}
works fine though.) The reason of this limitation is that, unlike
other XSL-FO processors, XMLmind XSL-FO Converter does not implement
<fo:marker> and
<fo:retrieve-marker> . |
conditional_value --> case [ ";;" case ]* case --> [ condition "::" ]* value condition --> [ test_page_sequence ]? & [ S test_page_layout ]? & [ S test_page_side ]?
test_page_sequence --> page_sequence [ "||" page_sequence ]* page_sequence --> "abbrevlist" | "amendments" | "appendices" | "appendix" | "backmattersection" | "bibliolist" | "bookabstract" | "booklist" | "chapter" | "colophon" | "dedication" | "draftintro" | "figurelist" | "glossarylist" | "indexlist" | "notices" | "part" | "preface" | "section1" | "tablelist" | "toc" | "trademarklist"
TipIt's not difficult to guess that the name of the page
sequence corresponding to the Table of Contents is toc and that
the name of the page sequence corresponding to the Index is
indexlist. However the simplest way to learn what is the name of
the page sequence being generated is to reference variable {{page-sequence}}
in the specification of a header or a footer.
test_page_layout --> page_layout [ "||" page_layout ]* page_layout --> "two-sides" | "one-side" test_page_side --> page_side [ "||" page_side ]* page_side --> "first" | "odd" | "even"
RememberWhen the document has one side, the only possible page
side is odd. The other values, first and even,
are not supported. For example, something like
'one-side chapter||appendix even:: {{chapter-title}};;' cannot
generate any text.
NoteEverything explained in this section applies not only to the
contents of a column of a header or footer, but also to the proportional
width of a column of a header or footer. Example:
-p footer-right-width "first||odd:: 4;; even:: 1".
‣ Parent topic: Chapter 4. XSLT stylesheets parameters
(1) | The {{topic-title}} of a toc is "Table of Contents", properly localized. The {{topic-title}} of a indexlist is "Index", properly localized. |