3. Creating a TEI Lite document

In order to create a new TEI Lite document, click the "New" toolbar button The "New" toolbar button[1]. This displays a dialog box:

Figure 3-1. The "File|New" dialog box
The "File|New" dialog box

Where is my caret?

Selecting entry "Tei Lite|Text" creates an empty TEI Lite document.

Figure 3-2. The TEI Lite document template called "Text"
The TEI Lite document template called "Text"

The caret (also called insertion cursor) is found deep inside in the teiHeader element, which is itself always initially folded[2], that's why you cannot see it. This is clearly indicated in the node path bar found above the document area.

Figure 3-3. The node path bar showing that caret is currently inside a text node (#text), itself contained in a title element, itself contained in a titleStmt element, and so forth up to the root TEI element
The node path bar showing that caret is currently inside a text node

The following unusual “artifacts” are text placeholders.

Figure 3-4. Two text placeholders, first one for the text in a head element and the other one for the text in a p element
Two text placeholders

Click into the first, bigger, text placeholder to move the caret there. The node path bar is immediately updated.

Figure 3-5. The node path bar showing that the caret is currently inside a head element
The node path bar showing that the caret is currently inside a head element

You can now start typing the text of the head element of the first div element.

Going further

[1] Or press Ctrl-N (Cmd-N on the Mac), the keyboard shortcut of the "File|New" menu entry.
[2] Click " (title here)" to expand the teiHeader element.