2.2.2. The basic editing commands

Toolbar buttons (or Edit menu entries)

The customary Copy Copy, Cut Cut, Paste Paste and Delete Delete commands work as expected. Of course, because XXE is a strictly validating XML Editor, it may forbid you to cut, paste and delete the selection depending on the editing context[1].

These other paste commands are specific to XXE.

Paste Before Paste Before
Insert the content of the system clipboard immediately before the node selection[2].
Paste After Paste After
Insert the content of the system clipboard immediately after the node selection[2].

Edit tool buttons (or Edit menu entries)

Replace Replace
Replace selected nodes by an element (or by a text node)[2]. For example, it may be used to replace the last element of a div by a new div, that is, a new subdivision.
Insert Before Insert Before
Insert an element (or a text node) immediately before the node selection[2].
Insert Insert
Insert an element at caret position[2].

This command may also be used to insert a child element (or a child text node) into a completely empty element. For example, it may be used to insert a desc child element into a graphic element.

Insert After Insert After
Insert an element (or a text node) immediately after the node selection[2].
Convert Convert
When a single element is selected, Convert —to make it simple— changes the name of this element.

When a node range or some text is selected, Convert wraps the selection into a new element (just like the Wrap command below). For example, it may be used to convert an l element to a p element.

Wrap Wrap
Unlike above Convert command, Wrap always wraps the text or node selection into a new element. For example, it may be used to wrap two consecutive p elements into a note element.

[1] For example, you may not delete the title child element found in a titleStmt element (because a titleStmt element must start with one or more title elements).

[2] This command is disabled if there is a text selection.