15.1. Dialog box allowing to edit a “text style” menu item

Figure 9.25. The menu item editor
The menu item editor
[Tip]Try to use the "Paste Element" button as much as possible

The quickest and safest way to add an item to a “text style” menu is to click the "Paste Element" button. However in order to do that, you'll have to first select in your document an instance of the element you would like to add and then copy it to the clipboard (Ctrl+C).

Element name

The qualified name[33] of the element behaving like a text style. Make sure to specify an inline element having a mixed content.

DocBook 5 example: email. Notice that there is no need to specify a namespace prefix as http://docbook.org/ns/docbook is generally the default namespace of DocBook 5 elements.

Attribute name

In some cases, the element you want to specify has a required attribute. This required attribute must be specified in this text field.

DocBook 5 example: an external link element has a required xlink:href attribute.

Attribute value

In some cases, the element you want to specify has a specific attribute value which characterizes it. This attribute value must be specified in this text field and the attribute name must be specified in the Attribute name text field.

DocBook 5 example: element: trademark, attribute: class, attribute value: registered.

Menu item label

The label of the menu item. Must be less than 40 characters long.

If you leave this field empty, a label will be automatically computed out of the element name, attribute name and attribute value. In the case of the above DocBook 5 examples, the automatically computed labels are: email, link[xlink:href] and trademark[registered].

[33] Use the same namespace prefixes as those declared in your documents. Such namespace prefixes may be listed by selecting ToolsDeclare Namepace.