When a character such as ')'
is typed, ShowMatchingCharCmd
inserts this character at caret position and then highlights matching '('
for half a second. This is a slightly simplified version of command showMatchingChar
in XMLmind XML Editor - Commands.
When a character such as ')'
is typed, ShowMatchingCharCmd
inserts this character at caret position and then highlights matching '('
for half a second.
When writing such command, a developer may be tempted to find the bounding box of the matching '('
using methods such as DocumentView.modelToView
and to directly draw the highlight on the DocumentPane
containing the DocumentView
Commands should never do this. Commands should only deal with nodes and selection marks.
s which are contained in a Document
are rendered graphically using NodeView
s created by a ViewFactory
. Similarly, Mark
s which are attached to Nodes and which managed by a MarkManager
are rendered graphically using Highlight
s created by a HighlightFactory
Highlighting text involves marks than dot
, mark
, selected
and selected2
. Dot
, mark
, selected
, selected2
are “special marks” only because standard commands operate on them. An application can create its own marks for any purpose.
A custom mark has an ID (any Object
which implements hashCode
and equals
will do) and is attached to a Node
. It is created using MarkManager.set(Object id, Node node)
for NodeMark
s and MarkManager.set(Object id, TextNode text, int offset)
for TextLocation
Standard commands completely ignore these custom marks. For example, standard command cancelSelection
in XMLmind XML Editor - Commands leaves these marks intact. The only way to get rid of them is either to remove them using MarkManager.remove
or to delete the Node
s they are attached to.
Custom marks are rendered graphically using Highlight
s created by the HighlightFactory
of the DocumentView
. By default, the HighlightFactory
of a DocumentView
is a BasicHighlightFactory
A BasicHighlightFactory
creates Highlight
s which are:
Similar to the caret for a TextLocation
with a string ID which starts with "bookmark.
For example, it will create a colored vertical bar after a text location marked "bookmark.foo
Similar to the text selection for two TextLocation
s with string IDs which start with "highlight.
" and "highlight2.
For example, it will create a colored background behind the area between a text location marked "highlight.bar
" and another text location marked "highlight2.bar
Similar to the node selection for two NodeMark
s with string IDs which start with "highlight.
" and "highlight2.
For example, it will create a colored box around the area between a node marked "highlight.wiz
" and its sibling node marked "highlight2.wiz
Therefore, in order to highlight the matching '('
, ShowMatchingCharCmd
creates a TextLocation
named "highlight.matchingChar
" before the matching N
and another TextLocation
named "highlight2.matchingChar
" after the matching N
. After half a second, ShowMatchingCharCmd
automatically removes these marks.
Excerpts from ShowMatchingCharCmd.java
public class ShowMatchingCharCmd extends CommandBase implements Traversal.Handler { private int highlightId; private char matchingChar; private char insertedChar; private int charCount; public ShowMatchingCharCmd() { super(/*repeatable*/ false, /*recordable*/ true); highlightId = 0; } public boolean prepare(DocumentView docView, String parameter, int x, int y) { if (parameter == null || parameter.length() != 1) { return false; } return docView.canInsertString(); }
can be executed if:
The document view is not empty.
The document loaded in the document view contains some text. In such case, the caret shows where to insert ')'
, ']'
or '}'
The text node containing the caret has not been marked as being read-only.
All the above conditions are tested by DocumentView.canInsertString
public CommandResult doExecute(DocumentView docView, String parameter, int x, int y) { String s = parameter.substring(0, 1); docView.insertString(s, docView.getOverwriteMode());insertedChar = s.charAt(0); switch (insertedChar) {
case '}': matchingChar = '{'; break; case ')': matchingChar = '('; break; case ']': matchingChar = '['; break; default: matchingChar = '\0'; } if (matchingChar == '\0') { docView.getToolkit().beep(); return CommandResult.DONE; } final MarkManager markManager = docView.getMarkManager(); TextLocation dot = markManager.getDot(); charCount = 0; TextOffset match = null; if (dot.getOffset() > 0) {
match = processTextNode(dot.getTextNode(), dot.getOffset() - 1); } if (match == null) {
match = (TextOffset) Traversal.traverseBefore(dot.getTextNode(), this); } if (match == null) { docView.getToolkit().beep(); return CommandResult.DONE; } Rectangle r1 = docView.modelToView(match.text, match.offset);
Rectangle r2 = docView.getVisibleRectangle(); // r1 is null if the matching char is contained in a collapsed section. if (r1 == null || r1.height <= 0 || r2.height <= 0 || !r1.intersects(r2)) {
char[] chars = match.text.getTextChars(); int count = 1; int boundary = match.offset - 1; loop: while (boundary >= 0) { switch (chars[boundary]) { case '\n': case '\r': break loop; } ++count; if (count == 80) { break; } --boundary; } String line = new String(chars, boundary+1, match.offset-boundary); line = XMLText.collapseWhiteSpace(line); if (boundary >= 0 && count == 80) { line = "..." + line; } docView.showStatus("IT MATCHES '" + line + "'"); return CommandResult.DONE; } final String id1 = "highlight.matchingChar" + highlightId; final String id2 = "highlight2.matchingChar" + highlightId; ++highlightId; markManager.beginMark(); markManager.add(id2, match.text, match.offset+1);
markManager.add(id1, match.text, match.offset); markManager.endMark(); Timer timer = new Timer(500 /*ms*/, new ActionListener() { public void actionPerformed(ActionEvent e) { markManager.beginMark(); markManager.remove(id1); markManager.remove(id2); markManager.endMark(); } }); timer.setRepeats(false); timer.start();
return CommandResult.DONE; }
| |
Find character corresponding to inserted character. | |
If the caret is not located a the very beginning of a text node, search matching character before the caret. | |
If matching character has not been found, search it in nodes which precede the node containing the caret. | |
Matching character is found. | |
When matching character is out of sight, | |
| |
After 500ms, a |
The following Traversal.Handler
is used to find the matching '('
in nodes which precede the node where ')'
private TextOffset processTextNode(TextNode textNode, int from) { char[] chars = textNode.getTextChars(); if (from < 0) { from = chars.length - 1; } for (int i = from; i >= 0; --i) { char c = chars[i]; if (c == insertedChar) { ++charCount; } else if (c == matchingChar) { --charCount; if (charCount == 0) { return new TextOffset(textNode, i); } } } return null; } // --------------------------------------- // Traversal.Handler // --------------------------------------- public Object processText(Text text) { return processTextNode(text, -1); } public Object processPI(ProcessingInstruction pi) { return processTextNode(pi, -1); } public Object processComment(Comment comment) { return processTextNode(comment, -1); } public Object enterElement(Element element) { return null; } public Object leaveElement(Element element) { return null; }