Chapter 2. Installing XMLmind Assembly Processor

Table of Contents

2.1. System requirements
2.2. Installation
2.3. Contents of the installation directory

2.1. System requirements

Make sure that you have a Java™ 8+ runtime installed on your machine. To check this, please open a command window and type "java -version" followed by Enter. You should get something looking like this:

C:\> java -version
openjdk version "21.0.2" 2024-01-16
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 21.0.2+13-58)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 21.0.2+13-58, mixed mode)

2.2. Installation

Simply unzip in any directory.

After that, you can run command-line utility assembly by simply executing assembly_install_dir/bin/assembly.bat (assembly_install_dir/bin/assembly on the Mac and on Linux).

C:\> mkdir XMLmind
C:\> cd XMLmind
C:\XMLmind> unzip
C:\XMLmind> dir assembly-2_0_0
... <DIR> bin
... <DIR> doc
... <DIR> docsrc
... <DIR> legal
C:\XMLmind> assembly-2_0_0\bin\assembly.bat
assembly: ERROR: too few command-line arguments
Usage: assembly [option]* in_assembly_file out_docbook_file|-

2.3. Contents of the installation directory

bin/, bin/assembly, bin/assembly.bat

Contains the assembly command-line utility. Use shell script assembly on Linux and on the Mac. Use assembly.bat on Windows.

doc/, doc/index.html

Contains the documentation of XMLmind Assembly Processor.

docsrc/, docsrc/manual.xml

Contains the DocBook v5.2 source of the documentation of XMLmind Assembly Processor. File docsrc/manual.xml contains an assembly. You may want to use this sample DocBook v5.2 assembly to experiment with the assembly command-line utility.

legal/, legal.txt

Contains legal information about XMLmind Assembly Processor and about third-party components used in XMLmind Assembly Processor.


All the Java™ class libraries needed to run XMLmind Assembly Processor:

  • assembly.jar contain the code of XMLmind Assembly Processor.

  • xmlresolver.jar contains XMLResolver, an enhanced XML resolver with XML Catalog support

    This component is needed only if your assembly loads XML documents having a DTD (e.g. transform DITA topics to DocBook topics).

src/, src/build.xml

Contains the Java™ source code of XMLmind Assembly Processor. src/build.xml is an ant build file which allows to rebuild lib/assembly.jar.