9. Phrase level elements

The TEI toolbar has several buttons which may be used to quickly convert text to phrase level elements (hi, emph, abbr, name, etc) and the other way round. These toolbar buttons are similar to those found in most word processors and as such, behave like “toggle switches”. The "B" toggle is switched on when the caret is found inside some bold text; it is off otherwise.

Figure 9-1. The text style “toggles” found in most word processors
The text style “toggles” found in most word processors

A word processor has about 6 different basic text styles. TEI has dozens of different phrase level elements, so it would be impractical for the toolbar to contain dozens of toggles. Instead, the TEI toolbar has just 3 toggles (hi with attribute rend="italic", hi with attribute rend="bold", name) and 3 menus (“italic styles”, “bold styles”, “other styles”) containing entries for many more phrase level elements.

Figure 9-2. The hi[bold] toggle is switched on
The "hi[bold]" toggle is switched on
Figure 9-3. The emph toggle found in the “italic styles” menu is switched on
The "emph" toggle found in first menu is switched on

Notice how the menu button Menu button changes to Menu button when an entry is selected when an entry found in this menu is selected (that is, a toggle is switched on).

There are two ways to use these toggles.

Converting a phrase level element to plain text

If you select a phrase level element, using either the text selection or the node selection (e.g. click the phrase level element name in the node path bar), and click the corresponding toggle (which is switched on), the selection will be converted to plain text.

When there is no text selection and no node selection and a toggle is switched on, clicking this toggle converts the word containing the caret to plain text.

A handy alternative is to make a text or node selection and then click the "Plain text toolbar button Plain text" toolbar button.

Going further

[1] Or simply press INS, a generic keyboard shortcut and one of the most useful ones. More useful keyboard shortcuts in this quick reference card.