3.1. Associating the ".profiles" file to the map rather than to individual topics

The sample map found in sample/user_guide.ditamap references just 2 topics sample/export_pdf.dita and sample/advanced_features.dita. What if this map contained hundreds of topics? Would the author have to associate the ".profiles" file to each of these topics? Fortunately the answer is no. Suffice to associate the ".profiles" file[3] to the map and to check ToolsUse as Master Document in XMLmind XML Editor - Online Help. When this is done, all the topics which are part of the deliverable created by this map automatically “inherit” the chosen conditional processing profile.

The same approach applies to DocBook 5.1 assemblies and to DocBook documents. For example, do not associate the ".profiles" file to each chapter document. Instead associate the ".profiles" file to the modular book.

The same approach applies to Ebooks. For example, do not associate the ".profiles" file to each ebook page. Instead associate the ".profiles" file to the ebook specification.

[3] This also works with ".ditaval" files.