2.2. Select menu items


Clicking anywhere in the document view or any caret movement has the side effect to cancel the selection. It is also possible to explicitly do so by typing Esc+Esc.

Select Parent

Selects parent of currently selected node.

If there is no currently selected node, selects the text, comment or processing instruction node containing the caret.

Select Child

Selects previously selected child of currently selected node.

If there is no such child, selects first child node of currently selected element.

If currently selected node is a text, comment or processing instruction node, cancels the selection.

Select Preceding Sibling

Selects preceding sibling of currently selected node, if any.

Select Following Sibling

Selects following sibling of currently selected node, if any.

Extend Selection to Preceding Sibling

Adds preceding sibling, if any, of currently selected node to the node selection.

If there is no currently selected node, selects the element containing the caret.

Keyboard shortcut (not displayed in menu): Esc+Left.

Extend Selection to Following Sibling

Adds following sibling, if any, of currently selected node to the node selection.

If there is no currently selected node, selects the element containing the caret.

Keyboard shortcut (not displayed in menu): Esc+Right.

Select All Children

Selects all children of currently selected element.

Keyboard shortcut (not displayed in menu): Esc+Down.