XMLmind XML Editor - Customizing the User Interface

Hussein Shafie

XMLmind Software

35 rue Louis Leblanc,
78120 Rambouillet,
Phone: +33 (0)9 52 80 80 37,
Web: www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor
Email:  (public mailing list)

June 17, 2024


This document describes how to customize the user interface of XMLmind XML Editor by writing a GUI specification (.xxe_gui XML files) and by deploying it.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Tutorial
1. Changing the title and icon
2. Changing the About dialog box
3. Adding a word count tool
4. Adding a preferences sheet for the word count tool
5. Adding a document type specific tool bar
6. Adding a Characters menu
3. Deployment
1. Validation of .xxe_gui files
2. Deployment of a customization
4. Reference
1. action
1.1. Action which is a wrapper around a command
2. command
3. include
4. layout
4.1. The attributes of layout
4.2. The menuBar child element of layout
4.3. The topToolBars and bottomToolBars child elements of layout
4.4. The leftToolBars and rightToolBars child elements of layout
4.5. The leftPanes and rightPanes child elements of layout
4.6. The preferencesSheets child element of layout
4.7. The hidden child element of layout
4.8. The insert descendant element of layout
5. menu
6. menuBar
7. menuItems
8. openedDocumentHook
9. pane
10. part
10.1. Bean properties
11. preferencesSheet
12. preferencesSheets
13. property
14. ribbon
15. ribbonItems
16. statusBar
17. tool
18. toolBar
19. toolBarItems
20. translation
A. A simple preprocessor for .xxe configuration files and .xxe_gui GUI specification files