- Content inclusion achieved using Copy as
Reference/Paste does not perform
every possible check on the validity of the reference. That's why it's
possible to use Copy as
Reference/Paste successfully in a
document and still get errors when you'll convert this document to
other formats.
- Content pushed from one topic to another (the
) is
not transcluded by XMLmind XML Editor.
- Something like <keyword keyref="product-name"/>,
where the definition of key product-name contains
<keyword>Thing-O-Matic</keyword> is not
transcluded by XMLmind XML Editor.
All these limitations apply only to XMLmind XML Editor as an
authoring tool. They do not apply when you'll use XMLmind XML
Editor to convert a DITA document to formats such as HTML, PDF, RTF,
If your topics
make use of
attributes @keyref

, it is strongly recommended to check
after opening your map in XMLmind XML Editor. This
declaration is persistent across editing sessions. Therefore this is done
once for all.
By doing this, you'll instruct XMLmind XML Editor to
use your DITA map as a
key space for all the topics
referenced by this map. More information about the
document feature in
"XMLmind XML Editor - Online