
27. schema

  Content: location | noNamespaceLocation | (location noNamespaceLocation)

  Content: list of anyURI pairs

  Content: anyURI

Use the W3C XML Schema specified by this element to constrain the document.

The content of child element location is identical to the one of standard attribute xsi:schemaLocation. The content of child element noNamespaceLocation is identical to the one of standard attribute xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation.

Note that

  • if a document contains a document type declaration (<!DOCTYPE>) which defines elements,

  • or if the root element of a document has xsi:schemaLocation/xsi:noNamespaceSchemaLocation attributes,

  • of if a document contains a <?xml-model href="..."?>,

the grammar specified this way is used and the W3C XML Schema specified in the configuration file is ignored.

