99. setReadOnly

Parameter syntax:

[ '[view]'|'[document]'|'[implicitElement]'|'[implicitNode]' ]? 
[ 'false'|'true'|'remove'|'toggle' ]?

The default subject of this command is the explicitly selected node. The default operation is toggle.

If option [view] is specified, this command changes the flag that determines whether or not the current view of the current document is editable.

Parameter value:

false, remove

Make the current view of the current document non-editable.


Make the current view of the current document editable.


Make the current view of the current document non-editable if it is editable and make it editable if it is non-editable.

Otherwise, this command changes the value of the {http://www.xmlmind.com/xmleditor/namespace/property}readOnly property of specified node.

Parameter value:


Set the value of the readOnly property to Boolean.FALSE.


Set the value of the readOnly property to Boolean.TRUE.


Removes property readOnly from specified node.


Set the value of the readOnly property to the inverse of its current value. If specified node has no readOnly property, it is the value of the nearest ancestor having a readOnly property which is inversed.


setReadOnly [view]
setReadOnly true
setReadOnly [document]toggle
setReadOnly [implicitElement] remove

See also XXE.setReadOnly.