68. pasteImageAs

Parameter syntax:

'into'|'toOrInto'|'add'|'toOrAdd' | ('to'|'before'|'after' [ implicit_selection ]?) 
S '#template(' element_name ',' template_title ')'

Variant of command paste which pastes the image copied to the system clipboard as an element.

The element to be pasted is specified using an element template. This element template must have a descendant element or attribute containing a string starting with "image-URI:". After the "image-URI:" prefix, an absolute or relativeURI specifies a template for the path of the save files used to store the pasted images.

XHTML example:

pasteImageAs toOrInto #template({http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml}img,PIA.img)

where element template PIA.img is:

<elementTemplate name="PIA.img" selectable="false">
  <img xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"
       src="image-URI:images/img.jpg" alt="???"/>

Using the above command creates files called images/img14135.jpg[3], images/img20338.jpg, images/img60659.jpg, etc, where images/ is a subfolder of the folder containing the document being edited.

DITA example:

pasteImageAs toOrAdd #template(fig,PIA.fig)

where element template PIA.fig is:

<elementTemplate name="PIA.fig" selectable="false">
  <fig xmlns="">
    <image href="image-URI:image.png" />

Using the above command creates files called image29116.png, image89803.png, image09833.png, etc, into the folder containing the document being edited.

[3] The user is of course prompted to choose a more meaningful filename.