1.4. Element copyProcessResources

  resources = anyURI | @anyURI | Glob pattern
  to = Path
  name = NMTOKEN
  Content: [ info ]?

  Not documented.

Copy resources needed by the process to the specified location. Typically, these resources are images needed by the XSLT style sheet.



Specifies which resources to copy.

If the value of the resources attribute is a relative URL, it is relative to the directory containing the configuration file.

Wildcards, for example xsl/images/*.png, are supported only if the value of the resources attribute is a file: URL (after resolving this URL against the URL of the configuration file)

It is recommended to specify multiple resources using the notation @list-in-a-text-file, for example @xsl/images/list.txt. This mechanism works even the configuration file is located on a remote server.

The URI specified in this attribute may be also resolved using XML catalogs.

[Note]Format of list-in-a-text-file

Such text files should be encoded in UTF-8.

The paths contained in such files should be separated by newline characters ('\n'). Open lines and lines starting with '#' are ignored.

Relatives paths are relative to the location of the text file.


# This is a comment.


Specifies the destination file. If the value of the resources attribute specifies multiple resources, this destination must be an existing directory.


Giving a name to a process resource allows to easily replace it by a custom one. When a name attribute has been specified, the value of the resources attribute is preferably taken from the system property called "process_command_name.resource.name", if such system property exists and is not empty.

DocBook 5 example: process command db5.toHTMLHelp is specified as follows:

  <command name="db5.toHTMLHelp">
      <subProcess name="db5.convertStep1" />

      <copyProcessResources resources="xsl/css/htmlhelp.css"
                            to="htmlhelp.css" name="css" />

      <transform stylesheet="xsl/htmlhelp/htmlhelp.xsl"

Therefore defining system property db5.toHTMLHelp.resource.css allows to replace the stock htmlhelp.css by a custom CSS style sheet. Example:

<property name="db5.toHTMLHelp.resource.css" url="true">fancy.css</property>

(Remember that a system property can defined in a configuration file by using the property configuration element. See Section 22, “property” in XMLmind XML Editor - Configuration and Deployment.)