Dictionaries provided by XMLmind are delivered either in Dictionary Archives with a .dar
extension, which are actually jar files.
There is one .dar
for each language available (currently English, French, German, Spanish) plus an archive that gathers all languages (dicts.dar
) which can be used for example in Java™ Web Start applications.
There is a simple conventional structure for these archives: the language name appears as a directory, the actual dictionaries are elements of these directories. This corresponds with the dictionary naming convention used in XMLmind Spell Checker.
A .dar
archive can contain several languages. For example here are the contents of en.dar
(English with country variants):
en/ en/base.cdi en/allvar.cdi en/default en-CA/ en-CA/default en-CA/spec.cdi en-GB/ en-GB/default en-GB/spec.cdi en-US/ en-US/default en-US/spec.cdi
As of version 1.1p3, it is also possible to access an dictionary using any URL supported by the Java Runtime Environment.