XMLmind XSL-FO Converter - User's Guide

Jean-Yves Belmonte

Hussein Shafie

XMLmind Software

35 rue Louis Leblanc,
78120 Rambouillet,
Phone: +33 (0)9 52 80 80 37,
Web: www.xmlmind.com/foconverter
Email:  (public mailing list)

December 27, 2024


This guide describes how to install the XMLmind XSL-FO Converter engine and use its command-line executables. It also explains how to integrate this software component into your application.

Table of Contents
1. Introduction
2. Installing XMLmind XSL-FO Converter
1. System requirements
2. Installation
3. Contents of the installation directory
3. Command-line executables
4. Integrating XMLmind XSL-FO Converter into your application
1. Compiling and running the code samples
2. Converting an XSL-FO file to RTF
3. Converting an XML document to RTF
4. Implementing a custom IGraphicFactory and registering it with XMLmind XSL-FO Converter
5. Support of the XSL-FO v1.0 standard
1. Features
2. Limitations
3. Conformance statement
4. Implementation specificities
4.1. Page references
4.1.2. OpenDocument
4.2. Lists
4.2.1. The xfc:label-format extension attribute
4.3. Leaders
4.4. Other extension attributes
4.4.1. The xfc:outline-level extension attribute
4.4.2. The xfc:render-as-table extension attribute
4.5. Special uses of fo:block-container
4.5.1. Using fo:block-container to temporarily switch the page orientation from portrait to landscape
4.5.2. Using fo:block-container to rotate the content of a table cell
4.6. Adding language information to the documents created by XFC
4.7. Adding metadata to the documents created by XFC
4.7.1. Standard metadata
4.7.2. Custom metadata
4.8. Restricting editing in the documents created by XFC
4.9. Special characters
4.10. Special support for East Asian fonts
4.11. Multiple page layouts
4.12. Adding a watermark to the generated document
4.13. Expressions
4.14. Non-standard extension of XSL-FO property text-decoration
6. XSL-FO extension for generating named styles
1. Why generate named styles?
2. How it works
2.1. Putting named styles to work
2.2. The effect of the xfc:user-style extension attribute on an XSL-FO element
3. Style reference
3.1. The styles element
3.2. The text-style element
3.3. The paragraph-style element
3.4. The numbering element
3.5. The xfc:user-style extension attribute
3.6. The xfc:restart-numbering extension attribute
4. A comprehensive example
5. Adding named styles support to an existing XSLT stylesheet
6. Troubleshooting
7. XSL-FO extension for Office Open XML
1. Introductory example
2. How it works
2.1. Text field example
2.2. Drop-down list example
2.3. Specifying a Custom XML Data template
2.4. Extracting the Custom XML Data part
3. Reference Material
3.1. Generic attributes
3.2. sdt:text-field
3.3. sdt:drop-down-list
3.4. sdt:list-entry
3.5. sdt:combo-box
3.6. sdt:date
3.7. sdt:picture
3.8. sdt:image-data
3.9. sdt:configuration
List of Figures
6.1. The style editor of MS-Word 2007
7.1. Text field (initial display)
7.2. Text field (selected)
7.3. Text field (filled)
7.4. Drop-down list (initial display)
7.5. Drop-down list (selecting an entry)
7.6. Text field
7.7. Drop-down list
7.8. Date
7.9. Picture
List of Tables
5.1. XSL-FO objects
5.2. XSL-FO properties
5.3. Standard metadata
5.4. Standard metadata supported by the DOCX output format
5.5. Standard metadata supported by the WML output format
5.6. Standard metadata supported by the RTF output format
5.7. Standard metadata supported by the ODT output format